Seeds that didn’t sprout... the graveyard 🪦

Just thought about sharing a list of seeds that did not sprout. Or, that I lost in some way. I’m sure we have experienced this from some breeders. Maybe this can help us steer away from those with poor germ rates. Not saying it is all the breeders fault. We all make mistakes. Ish happens!

Here goes the graveyard show. Feel free to add in any duds you may have tried germinating.

The first photo is an old batch of gear mostly from Breedbay. None of them sprouted but, they were old (10 years). I blame it on my storage, maybe I could have done better.

More recently my grape lime Ricky and Asian Persuasion both purchased 2019-2020 came out 0 of 5. Not the norm for TGA gear… :badger: Badger on here?

Grape lime was on the top left quadrant.

Asian persuasion from the last round of germinating.

Stay Irie! :sunglasses::dash::desert_island:


That’s a bummer. I always get sad and blame myself when that happens. I’ve had it happen 2 me from the best of breeders and they were fresh not old. This is why I’m here on the OG. I have learned tons of stuff. If it has a seed in it I’m gonna grow it.


Lots of nice Bodhi in there… hard to give up on those…

If you get bored :laughing:… there’s lots of info here on popping old beans.
You might be lucky. :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:



That 0001 goji og pack is indeed interesting :face_with_monocle:!!

Pop them and make a lot of f2 of them will ya…

Overgrow the :earth_americas: and give a lot away here on OG :v::sweat_smile:


I have great success popping old beans and beans that weren’t stored properly. I do a 30 second dip in 3% peroxide then I put some LABS and aloe in my water and soak for 24 hours. Next place a piece of sponge in a Tupperware container and soak the sponge with said water mixture so there’s about a 1/4” of excess water standing in the container and put the seed or seeds on top of the sponge and put the lid on and place the container on a seedling mat in a dark place. If the seeds haven’t popped in 24 hours (on top of the 24 hour soak) then I pull the seeds out and gently crack the shells and put em back on top of the sponge in the container and 95% of the time have sprouted within the next 24 hours after cracking the shells


Soak for 12 hours in water,then into a wet
Kitchen towel,little tub,put in the cupboard
I’ve cracked plenty of older seeds

I always give seeds around 10 days to open,they don’t open in that time their not going to open


What is LABS?


Unfortunately none of those Bodhi seeds sprouted. I tried soaking, paper towels, and, letting sit in rapid rooters. I scuffed them, pried them open if they didn’t germ and planted. I did so many things that I should not have needed to do if I planted them sooner. More so, all the breeders could have been approached about germ rates to fix issues.

So, for now that is my solution so I don’t loose my new collection. Plant them! :face_with_raised_eyebrow::roll_eyes: I’ll also share some other ways I’ve lost my seeds such as my Conspiracy Kush and Purgatory.


Continuing on with seeds that didn’t sprout, more oldies. One seed from a defunct CH9 seed co.I literally learned in 2020 that Jack Herer is the main parent for Sub and Brother’s Grim lines. :rofl:🥲 I guess I payed more attention to names than lineage.

Stay Irie! :sunglasses::dash::desert_island:


Shitty when your seeds don’t open
Just had 5 skywalker OG and
3 Ewok do the same
Well 2
Of the skywalker did pop then died lol
Got in touch with the person who sold
Them …she blocked
Me on Facebook lol I knew as soon as the seeds arrived they were not going to open tiny little seeds,
Some of the smallest seeds I’ve ever had

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Lactobacillus serum is LABS


Thanks for this info. I will try to keep this in mind as my seed stock ages. Great stuff. :+1:t4::+1:t4:

Stay Irie! :sunglasses::dash::desert_island:

Both of these were brought in straight from Amsterdam by a friend. None of these sprouted last year. :face_with_monocle:

Black Widow
Seed Co: City Seeds Bank

Tom Kush OG
Seed Co: Vision seeds


Last year, a little after sprouting the seeds above. I also germinated a ten pack each of some purgatory and some conspiracy Kush seeds. The rapid rooter cubes I placed the seed in were not covered and sometime over the germinating period fungus gnat larvae made their way into the seeds. This was devastating.

Besides losing seeds to the delivery process and lost in translation, losing seeds to fungus gnats really sucks. Lost 4 packs of TGA original seeds in my last big order in 2020. I hope I can make up for that order very soon. :crossed_fingers:

On a positive note. One purgatory and one Conspiracy Kush female survived. One of the querkle may have made their way through flowering without a label. Not always a total loss.

Stay Irie! :sunglasses::dash::desert_island:


Man o man this is lame for sure. When I moved I gave my old seed collection a way wasn’t too big mostly one offs from attitude. Now there’s a breeder slanging beans on every corner so my new collection is more turned obsession how and where is everyone keeping their seeds? Mine for now are in ammo can in basement. I’m hearing a lot o out keeping in the fridge?


Hey Art,

I here others recommending go store in the fridge as well. Not the freezer due to thawing. I have not gone toward saving in the fridge yet but, once I start chucking pollen, I will have to stash seeds away. Best of luck!

Stay Irie! :sunglasses::dash::desert_island:

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Here is a visual example of what fungus gnats larvae looks like. I couldn’t find the video with them in the seed but, they would infest the seed.

Just noticed I can’t upload videos here so here is a photo instead. If you have experienced this you know what I am talking about.

Stay Irie! :sunglasses::dash::ok_hand:t4:


Oh yeah last to runs had them little fuckers. I tend to over water. My last grow I could just run my finger in my coco and tons of them scurrying. Nasty little bits.


SO I have 5 seeds. 3 diff suppliers

They all cracked and germinated /showed tail

I filled up pots of damp soil.
Pushed index finger in 3/4-1” and placed them tap root down.
Covered lightly,

Been 4 days now no sprout.

It’s possible that what? Soil too wet? Too compactly?

I the top of soil after 24 hours 48 and today I added a bit more water around the edges…

It seems the soil was pretty tough.

I kind off excavated a perimeter around center to loosen it up a bit.

Wondering how much longer I should wait before germinating more and attempting with better medium preparation/ pod maybe .

Should I consider them rotted ?

Dig up the seed to visually confirm they rot?

im essentially out 7 days Of time now…

Germinate more?

All seeds cr@cked and showed tap roots some 24 hours, others 48-56hours.

Now they were NOT SUPER LONG tap roots. However the shel was cracked and root visible and elongated past the shell… they weren’t as long as some previous ones.

Should I have waited for the tap root too emerge as far as possible ? Or as soon as it cracks/ plant It?

Many Thanks


I have a pack of snowhighs Congolese IX That are officially in the graveyard

For sure dig them up for an autopsy after 60 hrs, you can learn things.

I figured out adding a couple drops of molasses was a bad idea as it promoted fungal infections.
Yeah, hindsight… :sweat_smile:

Really, you can see the ones that cracked but failed to launch, ones with the black guts are long dead, etc.
ratios tell you about the viability, age etc.



I sometimes get impatient and scratch the surface very carefully with a toothpick to see if they are alive or not.

Very carefully.