Seed storage situation

I’ve got my seeds stored in a sterite container in the fridge with desicant packs in with it. It is about 6" x 4" x 3"…I need more room. Tell us about your seed storing journey, tips and mistakes.


I went from Baggie in a dark cool closet to your method as well.
I’d like a way to organize mine better


Air tight plastic container and in the fridge that’s it…I keep it simple and try not to over think… It’s been working for for me for over 20 yrs.

Btw, each strains are in small plastic zip lock bags & labeled…


Air tight plastic containers, silica gel packs, and a bar fridge that’s over half filled with seeds. Works great for me.


I keep mine in fridge. I put mine inside a vacuum sealed plastic container made by foodsaver. Each bag is labeled and categorized.


“I gotta organize mine better” seems to be a common phrase around here :laughing: inc me.

Mine are in little freezer bags with the air sucked out, plus misc. desiccants all stuffed in a big zip lock in the back of the fridge. :rofl: :vulcan_salute:

I do maintain a spread sheet to track, (then I don’t have to paw through the bag) so I do know what’s in there… :nerd_face:



I keep mine in old prescription pill containers with a little paper towel inside in a cupboard. It also needs to be better organized :joy:


I repack everything into 1.75x1.75 Apple Baggies, and then seal-a-meal 10-12 packs with some dried rice. These then go into a 1 quart canning jar that has been blacked out with foil or duct tape. More desiccant goes into the mason jar, and then mason jar in fridge.

For me this is much better to save more seeds in a smaller space. Probably could easily fit (100) packs in one jar.


I guess we need to figure out what is ‘best practice’…
I have a feeling whatever ‘best practice’ is… It will be whatever @Mr.Sparkle is doing…
:laughing: :call_me_hand:



One gallon plastic ice cream pail in the freezer works for me .


My seed storage is crap compared to some, bigger 5ml centrifuge tubes for say seeds under 100, smaller ones for less, all thrown in various poptop containers think pharmacy pill containers or small glass jars for mass seed storage, all just thrown on a shelf.

I need to implement a better system , likely the same just desiccant in a glass mason jar in the fridge


One of these days I’ll organize it, but I do have it all on a spreadsheet to limit how many times I have to open it.


This is the same as I have.

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Drilled appropriate sized holes into a cedar board (insect repellant/mold proofing) to hold 24 5ml vials with cotton inside to pad the seeds and as an aditional moisture buffer.

These are resting ontop 3x silica gels packs in a glass click lock container with a thermometer / hygrometer unit that iseasy to read at a distance. These sit in my secondary fridge which doesn’t get opened nearly as often so they sit at around 3c.

I just recently numbered them because I built an excel sheet to track all the relatable info for each strain cause the vials only have the sex, strain name, and flowering period.


I recently switched to storing in a fridge. Is it bad to not have in an air tight container? They have been in there for a few months now. Have like 200 seeds in there so I sure hope not. :frowning:


I figure the air tight chamber, silica packs and other means are all to keep the environment as stable as possible to preserve the dormant life within the seed; which in itself already has the perfect conditions.

Taking them in out may build condensation if not careful.


I guess they are in vials stored in a ziplock bag and then in a paper bag to shield from light. I just put them in another ziplock.


I have mine stored in vac bags mylar. They are held in old .metal.ammo boxes


I do microcentrifuge containers in vacuum sealed pouches with dessicated beads in an airtight/watertight/UV resistant divers box in a mini fridge.


I’m currently keeping my seeds in TightVac “vacuum closure” containers with color changing desiccant bead packets thrown in. I swap out the desiccant packs as needed when the containers are opened. Each container is labeled and I keep listings in a spreadsheet so I don’t need to search through containers to find seeds.

I use the same containers for coffee, which seems to help minimize airflow/moisture in the container. Roasted coffee beans seem to stay fresh and glistening with their oils, so I figured they’d be good for other beans too.

Almost all seeds are still in breeder packs, though some have been vacuum sealed if they came to me in only ziploc seed baggies.