SEMO AUTO Memphisto

That looks like it may be bugs. Do you have a scope that can zoom in closer? Possibly a mite or young white flies…
This is a Mealybug. It’s the most common pest to encounter on pot plants and having done a little online searching, it looks similar to the pics from a distance.

See if you can find anything like this.
Just guessing obviously. I am far from an expert having never had to deal with any pest infestation.
I am very careful about anything that goes close to the rooms. I even change to clean clothes before entering and if there’s time I take a shower. I never leave dead plant material or standing water…
I’m sure you do as well but it bears mentioning. Preventive maintenance is key, IMO
Hope this helps.


Found these tiny little black bugs hiding on the bottom of a leaf, hopefully you can see them.
Only have 3 weeks left so not sure what if anything I can do. Don’t want to spray with anything at this point.


Thanks @MoBilly I’m not as clean as I should be for sure, I’ll follow that suggestion and clean house some and probably spray around outside of my building and do a deep clean after this group is done. Looking forward to smoking this Frankenstein cross of JPSeed’s

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I would invest in one of these. I am a very frugal person but this has been invaluable when trying to diagnose problems with help from friends on here. Just zoom in, take a pick, and share. I shake a lot at times so I attached mine to an old microphone boom. I wish I had a wireless version but, again, I don’t have the scratch to part with.


Thanks I just ordered it
It was less than it showed like 19 buckskin

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Looking forward to pics of some trichrome shots later on. :wink:

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Thanks man nice tip. I seen pics and stuff from people using stuff like that but figured it’s was expensive or overpriced


Oh yeah, I understand that thinking. The main reason for having one is judging when to harvest. I haven’t had to examine for bugs yet. It’ll probably come but I hate the thought. I’ve seen some real bug battles on this forum.


With my eye sight it is the only way I can see when to harvest.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Well the fun has begun


These will get better hopefully when I learn to use it a little better @MoBilly

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Most awesome BlackWaterBudd. That will be a huge help to you. Mine is used quite a bit.

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Like you said with the mic boom you have to get pretty still.
I turned all the fans off and used a short ladder to set the scope on, but I’ll come up with some lthing that works better.
Thanks for dropping in @G-paS us old farts gotta do things smart not hard.
I’ll believe I’ll be able to dial my harvest in this go around



This is the Frankenstein x PPP
2 different plants in first and a top from the third

Nice and tight bud structure @BlackWaterBudd .
Those are some beauties.

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All 3 have a different look, I like saying that one looks like an ice cream cone on top.
Gifts from JPS.

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Yeah, I totally get that. lol


Thanks man
It’s funny I have my thoughts on my next grow already.
I bought some autos from @JohnnyPotseed and I like the idea of not messing with the light schedule and then starting more but in the same room.
I think the autos will make my grows easier.


I just popped some auto seeds. My first grow was auto’s. It was less than a complete success to say the least. I kinda swore off autos after that. I’ve watched enough grows now that I can say it was 90% my fault they didn’t come out the way I’d wished.
Johnny has been knocking it out of the park with his. I figured to give them another go.