SEMO AUTO Memphisto



Damn the bootheel was the bullseye :dart:and 2 tornadoes touched down in our county. We’re without power 24 hours now, how long can a plant go without light without adverse effects @MoBilly ? Sorry didn’t want to pick on you


I have, actually, been wondering the same thing. Our power went out but it was during lights out and only for a little while. It did get me thinking though. I brought the generator up near the house so I can, if I have to, run power to the lights…
So, sorry, I can’t really answer this question yet.
Your plants are in flower. I would really watch for herm after this. Just my opinion.
@Nagel420 @Slick1 @Eagles009
Have any of you had plants in flower that had to go without light for an extended time?


Don’t know brother. I’ve pondered the same question. We get hurricanes here. I bought some solar powered lanterns to rotate to light the tent if I need to when it’s dark outside. During daylight hours I would just pull them out of the tent and put them in a room with windows. Won’t be good light but it could be used to keep them on schedule.


I have a genny but it messes up my wife’s pacemaker ifs she within 50-60 ft. these are autos been running the lights 18-6 so I have no idea what they will do. Power guys that came through neighborhood today said when they get poles up it would go quickly and t hey were putting them up pretty quick today in the sunshine


Thanks guys for the help

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I’m set to watch the thread. Good luck. :slight_smile:
Thanks @Eagles009 :v:

I had the power go out a month ago from a storm in the middle of the day. I still had regular photos in flower and I had my auto tent in various stages. When it was obvious it was going to be a few hours at least for the power to come back I just went in and unplugged the lights so they wouldn’t come back on at weird times.

No harm done to any of them and it gave me a chance to correct my timers for daylight savings. Autos especially don’t care, specially if it’s a one time time. They wouldn’t even blink.


Thanks @Slick1 , I was wondering if auto would be different, better for something like that.


OK cool, time will tell for sure, thanks for input I was thinking the way auto’s not following a ligh schedule and all would at least have some chance of coming through.
This is about 48 hour period and I do a 20 and 4 schedule.

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I said 18 and 6 but I checked and doing 20 /4

Ameren just robo called said it might be on at 10 pm

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2 full days of dark she doesn’t show much other than a few dry leaves leaves around the bottom maybe the pistils darkened a little


Yeah, she’s looking fit. :slight_smile: Most awesome. :v:


She’s showing her color change with just a few weeks to finish


I’m talking like I know.
I guess that’s what it’s doing, I’ve been feeding it with the master blend trio and keeping her up on a pedestal, except for the power being out, my ph is good so someone tell me is it genetic
She’s 60 days old tomorrow

Thanks for all the likes y’all


Those are pecans I seen at the feed store I couldn’t get over how much they looked like beans anyway


You are quite right. They do resemble pot seeds from a distance. :laughing: You should have bought a few. Home made pecan pie is one of my favorite desert! Of course, Cheese cake of almost any fruity flavor tops the list. :slight_smile:


We were there getting ours cracked. We’ve done about 100# so far. Yes the wife makes all kinds if goodies from them.