SEMO AUTO Memphisto

@Nagel420 is a good hand. Has some good stuff.

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I’m a believer

Bushy as you don’t want


I want to thank everyone for the help and kind words that have been shown to me during this blog
**it’s very much appreciated. **

What the hell here’s a few new pics.
Her living arrangements

And showing off


She drank 2 gallons yesterday with very little runoff just enough to get a good 6.4ph right? 6.4 is good I believe and feeding the 3 part Masterblend seems to be working I know I’m happy with the results
This is finishing week 7

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That’s going to be a big plant. I like it. Some product call for different ph. 6-6.5 in good. A pH level of 5.8 – 6.2 is appropriate for cannabis. On the pH scale, values less than 7.0 indicate acidity; values greater than 7.0 indicate alkalinity.Mar 5, 2020 I copied most of it.

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Dropping in to say “hi” and follow along with your CDLC plant. She looks so happy, and looks to be on track for good size too. Keep on keeping on. :muscle::muscle:

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@Hemp and @Banquo thanks for kind words.
Thanks hemp for that I had seen it somewhere but now I have my own copy tres cool

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Want to paint these floors white hook me up SW
Do you dirt guys see a whole plant droop after a watering/feed, I guess I usually water in the evening and don’t come back afterwards idk.

OK she comes right back learn shit all the time I guess how cool

Does anyone else use these nutes? I’m wondering about feeding schedule I’ve been using them almost every feed/water. 2 grams each of the large bags and 1 gram of esalt. Wyt


Watering every 4th day BTW

Ever get high and watch your vapor for the humidifier dance around the room, some time the fan sucks it in some times it pushes it away towards Sheila.

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Time to give her a drink should have done this yesterday as I’m making adjustments to her feeding since she getting so big

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I hope eviscerated OK

Everyone is ok

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