Septoria? Calcium? Phosphorous? Can You Tell?

Sorry yes decrease exhaust increase light and ph .1 see how it reacts.
How close is light ? You could raise it and then increase power and your heat will rise

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Light is around 20”. I had it at 18” for a few days but was seeing some canoeing from the upper leaves and that disappeared once raising.

:point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2: on point with that. Some of the micro nutrients can be locked out, even when over doing the P/K.

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My apologies @George that was meant for @anon20530495 :love_you_gesture:


How’s the humidity now? Still 40-50? Septoria likes it wet.
Sorry 17 days late lol. I thought there was one post. Missed the whole thread.

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Better late than never my friend! Getting temps up seemed to help, but didn’t completely solve. Humidity hasn’t been above 50 for a few weeks. On average, it’s 45%.

My most recent issues stem from leaving for 5 days and returning to some badly dehydrated ladies. Imagine opening your tent and seeing this:



I once left without water for 13 days…
Plants from soil are almost died and one plant in coco was still smiling at me saying is that all you got LMAO…

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I had been watering every 3 days so I figured I’d drench them and be fine. What’s another 2 days? Well, this plant emphatically showed me. Few others aren’t as bad, but they were all very desperate. Ph plunged as a result too. It’s always something lol.


Hope they will recover fine :sweat_smile:, maybe some foliar spray? beer3|nullxnull


Nope, they received some more abuse lol…
I had transported them for 250 miles without medium…
She recovered just fine :wink:


I know that feeling. Looks like you were just in time to avoid dying buds. Close one! Looks like whatever was going on didn’t prevent a harvest coming up. Ever figure out what it was?


It’s only a guess, but I’d say it was a combo of poor environment, wrestling with ph, and early overwatering that manifested into a calcium deficiency/lockout. Hope I can push them to the end. Never seen a plant with nearly dead leaves still pray :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I think it was praying for water LOL


What sativa is this @alwaysnoob?

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She’s a bagseed from my brick weed brother…

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This interests me. I’ve had issues after letting soil go dry. Could this be ph related? I never check ph


What’s funny is I never used to mess with ph back in the day except for some DWC. Grew in FF, Miracle Grow, and cheap generic nursery soil and never saw any evidence of ph issues. Getting back into it, decided to give soilless (peat) a go and it’s been up and down…literally. Soil has been calling me back recently haha.

@Upstate what do you typically use for medium?


Yous take a whole new approach to stress testing lol … 250 miles during flowering without a pot ?? What am I reading lmao…

You decided during the plants most water demanding time you would skip 2 days . I would have got creative think giant saucer and slam a 2l plastic bottle upside down in the pot would have bought u a week . At least u gotta harvest tho.


Soil, compost, castings, perlite. I was container growing in soiless and have much fewer problems now. I’ve typically grown outdoors in the ground. Containers aren’t new to me but i never used it often in the past.


Family emergency kind of situation. I can deal with some dead plants and could have returned earlier, but I can always pop new seeds and do this over in a matter of months. Not as easy with people.