Septoria? Calcium? Phosphorous? Can You Tell?

Hi friends. Started seeing some blotches on mostly middle leaves, but also lower, on a single plant that is 17 days into flower. I’d really appreciate some input on what may be going on. This is the only plant right now that is displaying these symptoms. Here’s the rundown and happy to provide any additional info, as needed.

Port Wine Cheese
Promix HP
GH Maxibloom @ 550-600ppm
GH Calimagic Calmag @75-100ppm
Tap @ 200ish ppm
HLG 350R Diablo @ 60% power
PH in @ 6.1-6.2; Runoff PH @ 6.0

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I’m not sure. I believe Amour Si works good with Maxibloom.

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Does maxi bloom already have calcium mag and iron already in there ???

It does. Here are the stats…

Ca: 5%
Mg: 3.5%
Fe: 0.1%

I think the plant has enough food available and doesn’t look entirely affected icon_e_confused|nullxnull so my guess is a fungus, bold in this case … beer3|nullxnull

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I’m open to all guesses my friend. Bold isn’t a fungus I’m familiar with. Going to do some reading to find out more. Makes me wonder if it’s only a matter of time before these symptoms display on the other plants.

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Some pics of the whole plant would help :pray:, I see purple petioles but those spots and where they are don’t match as deficiency just alone, specially if the rest of plants having the same feed are fine … :sunglasses:

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Sure thing. You’ll have to forgive the poor quality of these.


Thanks, that was fast Arriba|nullxnull, watching the pattern and colour of those spots my guess now is Calcium, doesn’t look bad either … beer3|nullxnull


Ca was my first thought also, but let me run this by you and get your thoughts. I was constantly struggling to get runoff ph in range since I started this grow. The Promix was so acidic, I was showing early signs of deficiencies and finally flushed 1.5 weeks ago which brought the PH into range and plants bounced back well. Im wondering if I need the Calmag, or if an excess of Mg or P is causing the plant to not absorb the needed Ca. Reason I raise this question is in theory, I should have enough Ca, but the plant is def getting unhappy with something I’m doing (or not).

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Can I ask why 60% power ?

To me it looks like it was a little cold in the root zone and the plant couldn’t get enough nutrients during the Uber demanding stretch ( first 21 days roughly/ cultivar dependant.

Top growth looks great i would ignore and continue on. To rectify this in the future a foliar application of a weak cal mag solution around day 5 -10, once the plant is really rocking will curb the spots . Or if the plant can take it you can just up your ppm a little.

How’s your ph meter

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Certainly! Only reason for the 60% is that’s what HLG customer support recommended when I bought the light and inquired about the dimmer (they said to stay within 50-60% of power in early flower and gradually increase to 100% as buds form and ripen). This is my 2nd grow with an LED and didn’t want to go left and start doing my own thing quite yet.

Edit: meter is on point. I calibrated it last week and checked again today and it’s on the nose.

Its time to step on the gas


9 times out of 10 its going to be simple environment problems . You spoke nothing of Temps or humidity imo way more important than what brand of nutrient
Most of those diseases listed im that article are super rare and will kill a plant dead. You won’t have nice pretty flowers like you do

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Good call out and I meant to post that info. Temps hover around 76 with lights on and drop to 70-71 when off. Humidity was insanely low until right before I flipped. It’s around 48 with lights on and rises to about 52 when lights are off.

You flatter me thinking that I’m an expert frech|nullxnull, too acidic soil leaves Calcium out of range and an excess of P will block Ca aswell as you say:


I would flush again and see how she reacts, pH 6.0 is still too low for Calcium intake … beer3|nullxnull

Soil pH chart


Next grow get your Temps and humidity up it will make a world of difference .

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Thanks guys. Sounds like the solution is to try to give a minor bump to ph, back off the Calmag, and reduce the power on the inline to increase both temps and humidity. If this persists, then back to the drawing board.

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Top of plant is damn near flawless don’t do anything drastic. You don’t want to fight a plant . The rizosphere will adjust the ph . Just get it within range . If you want add .1 at a time you don’t want to jump .5 ph week 3

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Increase the power . Measure humidity right at top of canopy i bet its higher than u think . You want Temps 80-84

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