First showing. Mutation?

Is this a mutation? On two plants in week 4 of veg.

I found the same on a sister plant that is unrelated genetically (bag seeds).

This is the first showing of the female sex, but from a randomly generated node, growing downwards?

Thank you.


Here’s another shot.


Maybe, could be but it looks like the whole plant looks good…I wouldn’t worry too much about it and just grow it out just like a regular plant…post a picture of the whole plant…it could still be a winner when it’s done…


Cropped at the 4th node, and 5th node. Accidentally snapped a mainline clean off while doing some LST a month ago. So there are 3 mainlines trellised.

75F, 70% RH


I get that symptom when fan leaves cover calcium-loaded bud sites and raise humidity too high to pull boron through the transpiration stream.

Raise temperature, lower humidity, lower calnit, raise boron. Or call it a mutation and buy new seeds and new nutes and new lights and give up.


It’s a photo period. I lowered the RH. Will need to flip into flowering. Thank you. That explains why the first set was curled back into itself like an ingrown toenail till I broke it off uncurling it (zoomed in pic).

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Can someone translate that for me :point_up:, I don’t speak troll. Not you @Gizmo … the one above you :sunglasses:


I will. They One who should go to a fb grow site/page. Every other comment on those groups are just mean and sure not helping. I’d never tell anyone to stop growing regardless. Have to start and learn somehow, can’t know it all before anyone tries. Have a good one and happy grows🌱


I think you’re the best grower on the planet and have never experienced any kind of symptom.


Yep I’ll translate that…westcoastcroppers etc. is back.


Thanks guys, it sounded like mumbling bullshit to me :thinking:

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Pest is just a plain ol asshole that’s why he’s banned…


I find it so curious that he keeps coming back under an assumed name. What is to gain? I just think the whole thing is perverse and weird.


Ya my sentiments exactly, I’m like “wasn’t he gone, nope made a new one! “It’s like the guy at the bar EVERYONE HATES! But he’s ALWAYS there, always in everyone’s face. Some people live off of others pain/misery/disgust and it boggles my mind how anyone can live that way….


Quite the opposite. I find him amusing.

The alternative is that it’s just a little sad.

He’d have my sympathies if he wasn’t such a dick.


Only thing I find amusing is that he thinks there are people who enjoy this crap, pissing off newbies etc. I’ve always just ignored the douchebags, but so many just cannot for some reason


I agree, he is dangerous to noobs. And to the general conviviality of the site.

He probably wears a trench coat with no clothes underneath in real life.

Edit: anyway, back to OP, I would just pluck it and don’t worry. Everything else looks fine.


For all the trolling, I sometimes wonder if he has a point about boron deficiencies…


No question plants need boron. Lefty said he was running at…I don’t remember the ppm… but it was low compared to some of the charts. I would put my faith in him first.

To this guy everything is a boron deficiency.

My nutes have boron in them but it doesn’t say how much.


I thought he said it was higher boron than what the charts recommended - or maybe the charts are different from what the pre-mixed nutrients come with? Fairly sure it was higher than Jack’s, anyway, wasn’t that what he was testing against since it’s considered the gold standard for hydro nutes? Obviously he’s trolling when he says everything is a boron deficiency, but maybe they are a lot more common than we realize. Dunno. I’m considering amending with a little bit of spinach powder added into my usual mix, though, to see if it makes a difference between two clones… maybe next grow. If the little burnt tips disappear off my leaves too after adding a source of boron, I might think about connecting a few dots. :wink:

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