Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Go right ahead @Adventuretime86 i know for a fact it won’t be a problem , also @shag is my brother and has been for years I know he’d be fine with me speaking for him.


yes indeed and yes indeed…LOL

Please do link us to your grow @Adventuretime86
That goes for anyone.
Anything goes here anytime. :sunglasses:


@shag arrived thank you

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I wouldn’t mind folks coming to see my grow as well. Just never put a link.


My grow is not near as nice as some of you guys have, but I have fun and I get to smoke a lot of top shelf smoke.

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Thanks for the link buddy!
I drop in and give you some love, but, I gotsta wait until my likes reset this afternoon.


Thank you @shag @TopShelfTrees1. Much appreciated guys.
Also I don’t do this often and I know most of us on here don’t have much need to buy seeds but a friend of mine is going through it not sure if he’s a member here on og but to me he’s as much an OG as anyone here.

He’s doing a 50% Off deal on his site to help raise funds for medical and car repairs. His gear is fire the pbb and bbf in the photos I’ve shared here are from him, every seed I made with his gear has given me a keeper no bull. Anyways if anyone is interested in a link to his site can shoot me a dm or with permission can post here

I have no issue with that.
Post it here, maybe we can help him through his troubled time. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Maybe we can even save a buck or 2 in the process.
I am all for it brother.

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Thank for the report.
Happy growing brother. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Awesomeness :pray: thank you.

Here’s his site

And his ig for moral support.

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Pretty cheap prices, good deal on the hemp seeds $5
I was gonna follow him on instagram but it looks like I follow him already.

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I hear the chocolate bars are on point too :sunglasses::laughing:.
Man has some interesting work I’ve been really happy with everything I’ve run from him, definitely spent way more at other vendors and been disappointed with the quality in comparison.


What’s your ig handle? @shag , lost my account of like 6 years recently and trying to get back in touch with my ig family would definitely follow along on there


@shag got me a nice bunch of beans in my mailbox today. Many thanks, sir.


Thank you for the report.
Happy growing to you brother mike! :heart_eyes:


I just gave him 50 likes…LOL
Probably thinks I am a stalker… :grimacing:


Congrats @Cranio on being the biggest loser!:facepunch:I imagine just that lot alone would keep you busy for several years to come. Save room for Island Crippy, so fitting we have an Island cultivar now :desert_island::evergreen_tree:


Hey @cranio send me your addy! Congrats on being the biggest loser!

Here’s what’s going on in my neck of the woods or sand whatever!
@shag your seeds have landed! Thank you sir


Omg haha I love it man your to cool fr, I know he’ll appreciate the gesture.

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Thanks @shag !
That was hella fast!