Should I toss this plant or grow it out?

I popped some cheese candy beans a few weeks ago. Im not sure if its just unstable genetics, but Ive been having a growing number of issues with these plants. I noticed this plant doesnt have any tops. It just ends. Not sure how common this is, but was wondering if I should just top this plant and continue out growing the nodes below or just toss it. It has some type of weird discoloration on the leaves.


It really is your decision. You have to invest the time and effort.

Not all plants that start off slow or strange turn out bad.

Just depends on what you are growing for. To breed and make seeds to grow or trade? For your own smoke?

It is only been a few weeks. Personally I would let it go and see how things go. That is just my opinion.


thanks, I just ended up cutting this top off and see how it goes from there. Everyone I’ve talked to that’s grown this strain raves about it. I want to pheno hunt this one for a while. Didn’t want feminized seeds but that’s all they had at the time. Every time I grow fems, I notice weird growth traits.


You are not the first to say that about feminized seeds.

There are a few people on here that had small runts at their start that turned it around and became nice plants.

If nothing else, it can make a great practice plant for different techniques, supplements or whatever. Grow and learn I say.

Good luck with the grow. I will follow along and see how things go.


Sometimes the ugly duckling blooms into a beautiful swan.Unless you lack grow space i would grow it out and see what happens.You will never know if you do not try.Try repotting it to a larger container soon.Have you ever pinched nodes to make them bush out?Try experimenting techniques with it .


It happens. It may grow out of it, it may not. I find that mutants and weirdos are generally more trouble than they are worth.

It’s your call, but for me, my space and time is valuable, I’ll just replace it with something that’ll grow right instead of messing with it.


I ended up chopping the top off to see if these nodes will grow out. I dont have high hopes for this one but we shall see what happens.


Those nodes will grow out. I thought you meant a totally nodeless plant, which does happen sometimes.