Sick or bad genetics?

This plant is a fabulous hulk auto fem. I planted all three autos on 8/9, this one didn’t pop ground until 8/26.

Nothing between the three has been different, same light height, temps, watering. The only thing this one is not getting is nutes because it’s so small.

Is the opinion that it’s sick or has bad genetics? If it’s the latter I’ll get rid of it and not waste the time or space


Often times crinkly freaks like that will outgrow it but with autos you have a very limited time window.

I wouldn’t say bad genetics I’d be more inclined to say shit happens.

Good luck.


I forgot to add it’s bred by Flower City Genetics. I can’t say I know anything about them

I concur with shit happens

Didn’t I send you some seeds when I sent that oz of cbd?
Could be mistaken
Run those

Was it those? You did send me some I just don’t remember what 🫣

No it definitely wasn’t those seeds

I would figure that out if I were you lol

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I’ll take a look at my beans an find them!

While I’m here asking about genetics has anybody grew fast budz seeds? I won a pretty badass Twitter giveaway from them that had some neat sounding seeds included

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Looked them up

If I were to guess they’re another company buying bulk seeds from folks in Spain etc and repackaging

If the pics are real a couple look half decent but they don’t seem to know much about their own work

I’m not an auto lover tho, so I’m sure there’s folks here who could be of more help

Free beans are free beans tho can’t go wrong
Just have to take into account that seeds take up several months of time one can never get back
so take care in making sure your growing the best of what you have available


In my opinion just grow it out, I would b/c it might turn out to be an exceptional plant…wtf, what do you have to lose, you’ve gone this far…it could just be a runt but some runts do turn out to be the best of the litter…I’m just saying.


Could be neither, but just an issue with the taproot… as far as whether to keep it, dunno. If it’s an auto and it actually keeps to its preset schedule, it should be flowering soon. That doesn’t look worth keeping a pot full just to flower a seedling with two nodes. That said, I have no idea whether something like this will delay an auto’s schedule or not; I’m not really an auto grower.


Good Call @PhilCuisine. Here’s a pic of my latest “Runt.” She was three inches tall at four weeks, then she took off. That top cola is a foot long.


Give it a chance, I was in the same situation with a sprout, distorted cotyledons then twisted first leaves, but after two weeks under the led in the tent its as big and healthy as the rest, if the roots are good go for it.