Weird Growth

Has anyone seen or experienced a main stem like this?


It started off when the sprout stem curled round on itself like a coil then grew vertically as normal. I covered the coil with media(peat pellet) and let it grow.
It was always a little shorter than its Bubba Kush sisters though.

Cover it completely with good living soil and it’ll grow extra roots there.


Ok I wondered whether to do that but thought it may be too late, just flipped for bloom.

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do it dewit


Thanks Rogue…I’ll do it.:+1:

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The internodal spacing is really quite something, I don’t think I’ve ever seen them that close together.
What cultivar is this?

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It looks like Cannabis

So if you say there’s nothing wrong… that probably means it’s actually due to a boron deficiency, for the first time in cannabis history? :stuck_out_tongue:

Its a Bubba Kush photo fem. from seed by Weedseedsexpress, I think the internodal spacing is due to negative or little differential between day and night and temps.
All my plants seem to grow that way, I use a QB led 400w draw, 18" above the canopy and 60% power in veg.

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And this is how it ended up!

I covered that ugly-ass stem twice but it still kept surfacing.

I’ve seen them tie themselves in knots! Like you say it’s because they curled back on themselves as seedlings, They never seem to do as well when they end up like that, though I guess I wouldn’t either if someone tied a knot in me :laughing:


Ha ha yeah its a strange one for sure, got some good buds off her tho, but like you said it would have been better if she grew vertical!

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I would try and re-veg that stump for a badass bonsai!

Thats possible? How do I do that, sorry for sounding dumb but my knowledge doesn’t stretch that far yet😕

Cut off most/all the buds, but keep watering the stump, and put it under 24/0 light. The growth will come out weird at first but once it reverts to completely normal you can prune it back super aggressively again.

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Ok I’ll try that, I’ve noticed new growth( small leaves) on the stump as I’m flushing right now.
Thanks for that mate :+1:

Do I trim off the branches as well as buds, they’re real woody and I’ve had some split?

I would leave as many branches and leaves as you can for now.

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