Should I upgrade my light?

Sorry this may be a stupid question, but if a light has better LEDs like the Samsung ones, can it be better but a lower wattage?

For example, this one from Amazon is only 100w but has the good LEDs, would it be better or worse than what I currently have??

Was just about to post and gave the thread another read through. I agree 100%. Use what you have for now then look at upgrading. It is going to take a few grows to get into the grove.

It’s so easy to toss money away chasing the next best thing out there. I’ve done it too many times.

Once you’ve tested things out and find that your lamp is your limiting factor and you need something better invest in it.

What is your goal for the space? Do you have a target yield in mind to get you sufficient meds per month?


Better LEDs will have a higher efficacy. That is, they are more efficient and produce more light output per watt of energy consumed. Samsung is known to produce good LEDs in the top tier. Newer fixtures will also likely have more efficient LEDs. You are almost always better off using fixtures that have LEDs from name brand OEMS: Samsung, Osram, Cree, Philips, Nichia, etc.

The problem with the fixtures from China is that you can never be fully certain that you are getting what is being advertised. But, you can be certain that good LEDs tend to be more pricey which leads to more expensive units. There have been more than a couple of companies that make claims which, later, are discovered to be false.

Now, for the fixture that you are looking at, they have provided a PPFD chart. Based on what they are showing, it would cover maybe a 2 ft by 2 ft area at a PFD that is reasonable, not great, at a 12 inch height.

In comparison to what you have now, it is uncertain. I haven’t heard much about vivosun. Your current fixture claims 200W while the fixture you are considering is ~100W. Most certainly, the newer unit has more modern and more efficient LEDs. But, there is quite a different in power consumption. If you can find a PPFD chart for your current fixture, it will give you a better idea (or make the measurements).

Light is one of primary inputs into your grow. It’s generally better to spend a bit extra on lighting otherwise you’ll be buying again as you continue your journey. As @Bammer1082 notes, use what you have in the short run, get a better feel for what you’d like to accomplish and optimal light levels, perhaps save up for a new unit that has a bit more oomph, then do the upgrade. Or, figure out a plan than buy into a modular approach over time.

There are some really nice units out there. Buy once / cry once … or at least cry less :slight_smile: