Should I upgrade my light?

I’m new to indoor growing. Got a complete setup from a friend, roughly 2x3 grow tent light came with the deal. Is it sufficient or should I get a better one, if so what would you recommend?


200 watts and is supposed to replace a 1000 watt hps :rofl:

I would toss it for some hps/mh or hlg quantum boards based on the false advertising on the tag.


For 2x3, that might work for bloom. That’s 33w per sq ft.


I’m pretty dumb with this stuff, any link to something you think would be sufficient

What kind of budget are you looking at?

Wide range of options, depending. As they go up in price, generally, so does the quality and efficiency. Each price range has good options.


If you’re broke that light might just work out. If you have a few bucks you might consider upgrading. I flower in a 2x4 and run 300 watts.


What country are you in?

What’s your budget?

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I’d say $250 would be my budget. I was looking at this one, but its only 100w

In Canada, budget $250

I checked out MARS HYDRO TS 600W.
Hope its good for veg. Gotta be way better than florescent t5s


Hey @Rukus, check out this post by @Calix in my “budget” LED thread. Here’s his post:

The light he just bought is $260 CDN, but with a $30 Amazon coupon, it’s $230 CDN!


Not a very popular option, but gets results for cheap if you find the “parts”. 20-25w/sqft for veg, 30-35w/sqft for bloom, using just screw in led light bulbs, take the dome off. Regular keyles light sockets, or I used bathroom vanity light fixtures. I added reptile uvb bulbs (the cfls) for filling out spectrum and provide UV.


Checking it out thanks man!

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If you are new to growing, and got that stuff free from a friend, just use it! Do a few grows in it to get a hang of the process. See how your yields are and then think about upgrading the light later. My first grows were with a cheap round ufo led. It wasn’t amazing but my plants still grew. I still got a small harvest.


200w led should work alright in a 2x3 hell you could throw in 2 20-25w led bulbs and crush it in that space.


Thanks man. I’ve done one grow in there so far with some photo period NLs, they turned out decent I thought. Have some autos in there now that seem to be growing pretty slow though.


Anything with the LM301B or LM301H led’s is the way to go. SpiderFarmer sf series, marshydro ts series, hlg quantum boards, kingbrite or meiju quantum boards… Could also look at a 315w CMH, pricing should be similar but heat will likely be higher.


been testing dimgogo 1000 against Spiderfarmers 1000 both QB’s pretty much the same so far the dimgogo
was 60 dollars less when i bought them.

As far as your light, did your friend grow good stuff with it? if yes i would keep it,if no well not.

THat is some engineering fea!

I will learn the hard way as i have most of my life. I process much better through the through trial and error LOL.

I am quite impressed with your results! I did noticed a few grows with only cfls and a reflective hood.

I will try my amazon LED jobbies. I don’t plan on ever going over 4 blooming ladies , of any significant size . So hopefully the lights I’ve picked are safe and reliable! Wether they produce! I will find out.


Can’t take credit for the idea, I learned from a very long thread over on IC mag, though I’m not a member there lol.