Sick plants identification project

Hey fellow growers I wanted to do a little project identifying plant problems. I wanted to do something similar to this.

But I want to do it with actual photos. After we gather enough data I will take your photos and put them together with the identified problems so that its more organized in another post. Please post the picture with the correct diagnosis. Example

Just wanted to do a little something to give back to the community. Anyone one that has any ideas please please feel free to chime in. ThanksšŸ˜Ž


Here is another one Iā€™ve found around here if anyone needs it.


thatā€™s a great idea. direct all plants issue threads to this single thread. saves the forum being full of lots of ā€œwhatā€™s wrong with my plantā€ posts and the poster gets more help than they would have otherwise.

edit: does one of these already exist?

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Na, I asked @LemonadeJoe before I did it just incase there was one and I missed it. That was my thought cause Iā€™m having a little problem with a girl of mine and its a little trouble going through post after post trying to find my similar issues.

I think Iā€™ll just lump the best sick specimen photos, put them together and label them. I want to give everyone a chance to participate and I will give them credit in the final thread when its done. I will ask second opinions before I post the finished post. I donā€™t want to give people false information and them go kill their plants. Lol. I would be :disappointed_relieved:.


instead of doing just a couple pictures you should try to get other users that are very knowledgeable to stick around this thread and comment on new posts instead of just leaving pictures for people with problems to identify themselves. itā€™s a good starting point but i know i would be more confident in identifying my problem when there are other users backing it up.


Im shure there will be others that are going to want to help out. Thats what why I love OG. If not Iā€™ll go through the posts and see what I can dig up. Im hoping eventually this will be something the can be referred to for plant problems.


I think itā€™s easier when someone has a problem to ask the community. The most things I learned were viewing someoneā€™s problem and reading the different diagnostic and solutions offered.

When something is going wrong with our beloved, easiest way and what almost people do is opening a new thread and asking. I doubt the OP would read the whole thread youā€™re proposing to see if thereā€™s something that matches his case. 400 :eyes: can view more that just a pair and I really enjoy the discussions when something is not clear.

That knowledge is impossible to condense in just a thread. Perhaps it would be easier to tag threads once known the problem (mites, nutrient burn ā€¦) but I doubt it may be done.

Other way would be to do a FAQ and WiKi section, before the latest upgrade it was easy to find and browse, recovering that is for me most important as there is much knowledge already written but chaotically spread over the whole forum ā€¦ :sunglasses:


I understand what your saying. I always enjoy talking to you folks as well. Its just for reference. If people want to use it will be there. Im just trying to help. I definitely encourage people to get a second opinion. Just like OG encourages new people to try the Basic Grow info first. I know I felt a little self-conscious asking questions. Iā€™m going a little out of my comfort zone doing this.

This is not supposed to be a one stop shop for plant problems. I just want to do something to help out the community. Would you like to post a sick plant photo with a diagnosis?
I was thinking about trying to make this Wiki-fied if others think it would be a good way to go. If anyone else has any ideas please feel free add.


As a new grower, and self teacher, I love the idea of this. Although there is a lack of the not only mentor/mentee dynamic where experienced growers are happy to walk us newbies through things, but also the peer to peer debate that has helped me personally decide which way to take my grow. I donā€™t think it would be terribly hard if a few people are devoted to make a few pages to link to, where people can help more specific categories; nutrients, pests, etc. That could allow more detailed discussion into the pros and cons of this type of treatment, so on and so forth. So instead of being lead to every problem, itā€™s only what pertains to them, so less work required on their part. People will generally be lazy when left to it, in my experience (myself included).


Thereā€™s quite a few that when I go to my old grow logs and see quite a few that has warmed up to me this time around like @Gpaw and @dequilo along with others. I was on OG 1.0. Some folks might find
what Iā€™m doing helpful. But I really do understand what your saying. Thanks for the support man.