Newbie questions about proper decorum and forum...

Hello Everyone, great forum! I’m surprised I’ve only stumbled across it now, it seems to be a pretty active and engaging user base.

Obviously I’m new here, seeing as how this is my first post. I’m looking for some advice about when to harvest a plant that I’ve got growing as well as some guidance on how best to process, dry and cure it once it’s harvested. I
s this sort of discussion/topic allowed here?
If so, what is the best forum for me to post in?
One final question, if I post photos, does this site strip background data from photos that are posted?



Hello and welcome!

Few links:

There is a plenty about curing and drying too, just use the search button in the header.


Welcome to OverGrow!

And YES, if it’s about Weed (and most drugs in general), all topics are encouraged here. You will find many open-minded, knowledgable and kind weed enthusiasts on OG.


Avoid discussing politics…
We used to have a ‘Shark Tank’ for that but ‘hard feelings’ leaked out.

Most anything else is fair game… :+1:



Thanks everybody. Should I use that "Ready to harvest? thread? Or should I start my own since it’s going to be more than just when to harvest, but also looking for advice on post chop handling? If I start my own thread, what forum should I use for this?


start a grow log in the proper category, indoor or outdoor. that way you can document all your activities and have a record of it.


For sure start a grow log. People follow each other via their grow logs, mostly. Here’s mine Makin Biscuits Outdoors

You can post specific questions in the question threads too. I know there’s a “is the male/ female” thread, and likely the “is this harvest ready” people hang out in there just to answer those questions.

Welcome to OG!


Welcome to OG, @TropicalMycologist!

You may also want to spend a few minutes here. It’s a “how to” for using OG. It can be very helpful.


Should I start a grow log even though it’s very close to harvest time and I’m seeking advice? I know some forums, grow logs don’t get many sets of eyes on them compared to “Grow Support” categories. Sorry for all the questions, just want to start of here on the right foot!

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I would.
I’m just speaking for myself, but the way I navigate the forum is first I check notifications for the threads I “follow” which are 99.9% people’s grow logs. Then I snoop around in the Breeders lab and check on the seed runs, then maybe I’ll stroll around the chit chat threads.

Most grow logs are more diary like. I posted a squash in mine this morning.

Can you post pics yet? You should put it here because now I want to see.


Get yourself on the seed give away threads, i have met some wonderfull people from all over the world and we have shared genetics its an amazing place to be, i wont ever have to buy beenz again and ive shared a good few out aswell that other people have gifted me, and its all fire what more do you need . take it easy and njoi yourself peace C . :facepunch:


I went ahead and created a thread in the Indoor Growing category and it is now awaiting approval. I hope it’s ok that I added several photos, I don’t know if you need to be a member for an extended period before you get that privilege or not.


I think you do. Mota posted the rules in their thread. It’s one of those things that once you get over the hump of being new you don’t ever think about again


I guess not, it posted. Please have a look if you’re interested. The pics are kind of blurry for some reason though, they don’t look like that on my phone?


@ TropicalMycologist share the thread and im sure a few people will jump on, help booost your numbers up. Peace C . :facepunch:

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Here’s a link back to it, thanks!