Sick Plants Mistakes that open my eyes!

Listen to @Mr.Sparkle and @ReikoX and I’d think your problems will be no more


I think I will… to be honest @ReikoX reply then hit a bell in my head and got me positive again! i think it could just need a good soak through a bit more frequently to keep the juices flowing rather than causing spots of bother throughout the soil!!

Appreciate it!


I think this could be the solution that seems best as of now! cheers man

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I mean… after all of this… I don’t think they are the worst looking plants i’ve saw, so therefore time to regain positivity and get back to it.

They are currently only 32 days old since i dropped the beans too!!

( EDIT )

Also if we look closely all of these plants have had exactly the same treatment but if you look at the biggest one top left corner… it looks much happier… ( maybe that one got lucky with a bitmore watering and irrigation? @ReikoX think we could be starting to solve the puzzle!



Nailed it!

Letting your coco dry back is fine but if you’re seeing your tops drying. you’ve waited to long. You would definitely benefit from more more frequent watering especially with perlite in the mix. I don’t use perlite any more myself just pure coco. It has excellent water retention and drainage so you don’t have to have the same mentality of soil.

I’m feeding my seedlings right now at 2EC. I didn’t see what nutes you’re using but 1.2 just seems low. Also to help oxygenate you’re mix I always like to use a small pump/hose to completely mix my res whether it’s my small 5g for little or my 44g brute trash can. Let your nutes run back into itself just above the water level this helps aerate your mix. (do not use air stones it will cause PH drift).

I think if you fix these couple of things and ditch the extra’s your adding to your nutes you plants will bounce back and get to where you want them.


A quick update…

so after watering more frequently they are bouncing back much much quicker and better!! 1-2 weeks and im confident they will be bushy canopys ready for flip!

Thanks to everyone for your help.

@ReikoX ( most definitely irrigation ) thanks again for simply explaining that!