Skywalker to breed or not to breed?

I’m just finishing some Skywalker from regular photo seeds from a trade. It’s very resinous and slow finishing. And although I don’t remember the source I’m pretty sure this is the real thing. I have three seeds left and considering a seed run. If the smoke is as good as it smells and looks then it’s fire. I’m so curious how good the smoke is going to be. I should know in a couple of weeks.


Do or do not, there is no try lol

But if its something you want to keep around, id say go for it. Gotta keep those gems you like for future grows when youre missing what it used to taste or smell like


If you really like it you could reveg and pop the rest of the seeds and flower them all together.


For future reference, always take a couple cuttings on the way to the flowering tent. Even the most feral landrace is bound to have a few standouts and I’ve gotten standouts from the first couple of seeds popped (and didn’t take a clone). You can self that standout specimen and have a lifetime of good seeds! :fire:


This is some really good advice I wish I knew early on.
I’ve had a couple amazing moms over the years that I lost cause they didn’t survive a re-veg, and I didn’t take cuttings. Sad.
Now I do just what @rasterman says. I take 3 cuttings of each on the way to the flower tent


That would be great! I love skywalker and how potent it can be. One of my favorite smokes. I recently grew some Mace Windu ( double grape x skywalker ) and it is one of the most potent smokes I’ve had. Would love to see an official mace windu strain soon.


Definitely! If I learned something about preserving and having fail-safes, take plenty of cuttings.


While I’m passing out advice, also don’t kill clones until a couple of months after harvest. I learned that pearl a few months ago. :fire:


Great idea, but I’ve out of room.

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Might as well do a seed run right? If you found something you like, then I say get it in the hands of as many people as possible 🤷🏻


I’ve done that twice before, slow learner. But these 2 sticky girls are about to be hung as the resin has started turning bronze.

This I’m considering for next year.

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I’ve never smoked Skywalker. But next week I’ll know.

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I hear that, I tossed a pot by my clone area to try to reveg it, we will see

Have you tried Skywalker. It looks good and resinous but I have no clue what to expect. Possibly 60/40 Indica dominant around 24% THC.

I have not. Like most things, I’ve heard good things about it though 🤷🏻


The Skywalker reputation is very good.

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Then do it!

I would if I was you :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

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Me too. Most definitely. I no longer grow new strains without making seeds. They’re too pricey!

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Update; Today is harvest day on my Skywalker plant. And during the final trim I found hermies so this project is toast.