Slow dry or wet cure?

That’s the so funny. I’m still laughing

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I find that I hit the right humidity (depending on time of year) by just hanging in a sealed room with no exhaust. The buds throw a lot of water into the air.

But better too dry than too wet. Not ideal, but better.


You have the right idea. 75-80 degrees pump the dehumidifier at full blast for about 48 hours around 35 RH%. Then cut down nugs into totes or paper bags and/or hang and store In a cool room 60-68 degrees 45-60 RH. Should be perfect when he gets back in two weeks :peace_symbol:

This is actually how Greenshock farms does it and they’re winning terpene awards or placing in them -with outdoor flowers competing against indoor/greenhouse/outdoor


Do you keep the totes open, or closed and burp them as needed? Never tried this method before.

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Open. You just have to make sure you have them drying in a warm room 75-80 (high heat helps pull out more moisture) with 30-35 RH for the first 2 days then move them to a cooler room around 65 degrees 50-60 RH… Hang the branches or cut them down into open totes or open paper bags. I harvest branch by branch some small 2ft plants I’ll just hang the whole plant


I always hang for 2 weeks and keep it as cool as I can with the humidity regulated in there at 62%.
Then jar up and burp depending on what the final humidity is in the jar.


So basically cool and 62% for 14 days. Seems like just throwing wet bud in a big jar so is this a super wet cure?


Just nycd fem ibl from method i got off a thcfarmer thread basically keep temps low but also dry then jar with a pack reach rh to ure liking.
I removed the b62 pack from this jar and the buds naturally rehydrate (after month cure or so) if needed.
I used to try and do the old school closet high rh hang and then burp jars and shit around 70% till it goes down…well that’s just and different yuck taste some may like time to time but now i get much fresher and tastier nummies.
Im in dry ass vegas so ymmv?

To be fair took pic of cherryD got it local u can totally tell its wet cured and from taste. It suits it well. But got a bag seed so i can compare maybe .


I like this idea. :ok_hand:


Hang it… if you think it has got too dry after the 2 weeks then just put a little piece of orange peal into the jar when you jar it up after drying. This will slowly add moisture back to the buds over a few days until you think it is right and all the smell etc will come back.

your other idea, putting it into the jar wet, will destroy it.


Slow hang dry, untrimmed, whole plant or a couple big sections of plant if it’s particularly large and buds are touching when you hang it.

Wet cure in jars is risky. It can and will mold especially in stagnant air. I’ve done it successfully but you gotta get moisture right. Definitely leave the lid off and trim off the big leaf. The cob stuff works better with fluffy narrowleaf bud, not chunky dense stuff.

You can meet in the middle and buck the buds off the stem and dry in an open paper bag, depending on ambient humidity. I usually use that when buds are partially dry already and humidity is low…to slow down the dry process. Fresh buds will rot. Don’t stack layers, they’ll rot.

Hang dry is probably best option. It’s important to get past the “wet enough to rot” stage relatively quickly…and extend the semi-dry period as long as possible. It needs some moisture to cure, just not enough to rot. Once it fully dries, cure essentially arrests.

Overdried bud isn’t ideal but it’s better than moldy bud.


That freezer cure sounds interesting…
You are in Germany, correct? Probably damp and cool this time of year isn’t it? What kind of heat do you use? Electric heat seems to take moisture out of buds quicker than other forms of heat… so if you use electric heat, turn your thermostat down to 55 and your weed should be ready when you get home. You’ll have to hang a whole plant to achieve this. Hung in pieces it will dry too fast.

Drying too slow will make your weed burn unevenly, but I have had the opposite experience as you regarding terpenes. My weed tastes better dried slowly. A quick dry leaves too much chlorophyll. When you hang a plant whole, with cooler temperatures, you are slowing down the dying process, allowing the plant to use up any leftover nutrients and giving time for the chlorophyll to break down in a dark environment, leading to a smoother smoke. The difference we experience could come down to whether you grow commercial strains or old heirlooms. All strains perform best under the conditions they have experienced the longest. The modern hybrid has evolved to perform well flash dried, while the old heirloom has not. I guarantee you that if you take some early 70s oaxacan and dry it quickly at 80 degrees you will have yourself a bale of hay to smoke.:grin:


I find that when I put it in the jar it’s about 61-62% which isn’t that wet in my opinion.


Agreed. I aim for 62 and if I’ve hit it just right I don’t even bother burping. I have many many little humidity sensors for all my jars.


There is a commercial movement for harvest to distributor in 72 hours.
Freeze dryers are now down to $1800 and dropping as they proliferate.
Used one last year at work and it was amazing. But, all chloro and colors stay, but that’s what people want in flower. I could care less, I only make sand.


Can I play on your beach?


Only need Nugsmasher and Towel


There’s also the option to just vacuum seal and freeze it till your back to deal with it your normal dry down way.


Strange they want the weed to stay green. Interesting. This is the buyers you are talking about? Do they then cure the product? Or just sell right away? I have some friends complaining that they don’t get high from dispensary pot and if they don’t cure that would certainly do it, especially with a flash dried product.
I have to admit if I had hundreds of pounds of product sitting in a barn I would probably want it dried very quickly to avoid the threat of mold


I was talking about this just the other day and I had a question about it… Can you still dry and cure your weed properly if it’s immediately frozen after the pick?

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