Slow start for autoflower

First time growing autos indoor. LSD strain grown in soil packed real loose (hence how much the soil settled). Today is exactly 2 weeks since germed seeds were planted. I feel like they are growing way slower than any photos I’ve grown indoor. Is this because of starting them in their final pot? Or do they look ok for 2 weeks? Grown under 200w full spectrum LED. Same set up I recently used for a successful photo grow.


Autos can be slow to start - I would hit them with something to encourage the
root growth - Mycorrhizae Root enhances the plants ability to uptake nutes.

I now collect my own fungus in my yard - I look for a white fungus [mycelium] and make a compost tea with some molasses added.

you can aso get a sample pack from Xtreme Gardening for about 10 bucks -

has one of everything you need.


They look pretty small to me for 2 weeks from sprout. The soil looks dry… Maybe a humidity dome on each for a while? How close is the light?

My autos took off around week 3 or 4 and grew like crazy.

Theyre in pretty big pots, they could be stretching roots still


Thanks man, they had Mycorrhizae at the start, should I put more?

Soil is still damp under the surface. Been watering every second day, trying to give some dry cycles.

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Light is as close as I can get it unless I lift the pots, approx 2.5 feet away currently

what are the Nutes being used ?
what is your soil [ new or used] ?

those plants are too small to water every 2nd day - I push them to be bone dry the 2nd week of growth. that forces the roots to stretch to the bottom.

I would wait 4-5 days at least and hit them with a compost tea with molasses to feed the micro-biome.

No nutes have been used yet. Soil i believe is called sunmix or sun something, has worked great for previous grows. Soil is new for this grow.

Ok sounds good, will hold off on watering and let get bone dry.

They look hungry to me, is that soil prefertilized? hum|nullxnull

No I don’t think so. Should I give a bit of veg nutes?

They do look pale green, seedlings have some nutrient stocked in the cotyledons, but once they develop the first pair of complete leaves they need extra feeding.

If your soil is not prefertilized you should give them some nutes. I know autos are low feeders, here’s a chart that might help you, go to the low range first and then push up slowly until you notice some nutrient burn … beer3|nullxnull


Typically this is the case with autos. They like to send roots down until they hit bottom, then they will start vertical growth.


Really eh. I was told to start autos in their final pots. These are 3 gallon pots, too big?

That’s what i run in, 3 gallon Smart’s. You’ll find with roughly 2 gallons in your pots that you’ll run them dry in less than 48hrs.

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