HELP!... Had a healthy Auto stumped!?

So I have a Toof Decay Auto Fem at day 19 and it’s been doing great but 2 days ago it started dropping some. Today it’s worse and I was gonna be transplanting but I now I don’t know what to do cuz I didn’t want to stress it more! Also I’ve been doing everything the same and I have it in a .8 gallon pot and it’s just frustrating. Please anything to at least help point me in the right direction of what I have possibly going on and I use no nutes or ferts just soil water and I just got calmag and haven’t used it before and it’s my 4th Auto grow so I’m still trying to figure them out.



Is this possible overwatering? Looked great up until the droopy!
Possible air exchange


It was dry and I watered it yesterday after the droop started and I was wondering if air was possible but I didn’t know

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Transplant as soon as possible, new soil will reinvigorate the plant. Take a good look at the roots, take some pictures and lets have a look.


I’ll second that for sure!


I’m waiting for the car because I’m of course outta potting mix lol but I just forgot about the bag in the garage so it’s frozen solid but it’s getting up potted to a 2 gallon to finish up and I didn’t know if you would recommend some mykos too never used with Auto’s and I will take pics of it this afternoon thanks for the input

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Once auto’s show their sex they start flowering and stretch right after, not in all strains of course every plant is different. Your plant looks like the root base is staying wet and top drying out, if your a gardener you can slide it out look at the roots. Yellow turning brown is a problem, glistening white roots with lots of hair is a good thing. If there isn’t roots at the bottom you’ll need to wash off all the soil to roots and mud plant them in new soil.


ALMOST seems she needs more light…and depending on what soil that is- not feeding at all by this size- she may just be hungry and is ‘‘cannibalizing’’ her lower leaves.

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Good point @Lady.Zandra63 nitrogen uptake is not happening, ph soil or ph water block. @DrGonzo13 what ever you do, do it soon. You have enough light, just no dark green leaves to take it in.


If it’s not drying up in the bottom of the soil what is best to add for better aeration and won’t compact

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To me it looks like it was thirsty. My plants will do that if I miss a watering for some reason but perk right back up shorty after watering. You said it was dry and you watered it. How does it look now? You may also want to think about mixing some Osmocote into your soil when you up pot. It’s time release and works well for many growers.

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I’m doing it as soon as I get home from the store which is 15 minutes so be back in a bit with hopefully some good news it’s greatly appreciated for the feedback and I will definitely be taking a few pictures of the roots and pay attention to the condition

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It started to pickup some Doug but it’s still struggling so up potting and it’s probably gonna be a new seed popped today because it’s gonna be stunted and be a minimal harvest, DAMMIT it was starting to take off and I have been to several places and they’re leaving the soil outside and I’m in Colorado so I’m not buying a frozen block of soil but I am gonna see what happens… Osmocote?

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It’s a time release fertilizer. You can mix it in the soil or even top dress with it and it will release nutes over time. Just looks like little pellets. There are a number of folks here that recommend it.

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I read here autos don’t like trimming.

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So I have been able to up pot and transplant and the roots are actually pretty good :+1:t2: looking and I think it’s the soil because I have used it once and now it’s got fresh soil and a light spreading of osmocote thanks for the help everyone and now it’s up to the plant and I will hopefully be able to get it back but I already know that it’s gonna be a little smaller but you never know but here’s the pictures of the roots

so it’s gone from what I thought was .8 gallon pot and it’s actually a.4 gallon pot and now it’s in a 2 gallon and next one is going get put straight into the 2 gallon pot and see if I can do better but I’m not quitting on her


Nice man, it will recover fine I would think.


Not liking the pots with detachable bases and the new 2 gallon pots have side drainage and I have some fabric pots otw but I have only been able to find the smaller bags that I see you use for the seedlings and I have ordered and gotten smaller ones that said they were the other size @DougDawson and it’s a Mephisto so at least I know that it’s got solid genetics and thanks for your help today OG Community I see what I am losing out with my actions the family uplifting vibes and that’s what matters I won’t forget that again!

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From my experience it’s better to sow auto’s straight into the biggest and deepest pot with a maximum of soil volume. They don’t like being transplanted.


used osmocote 14/14/14 for outside grows had some kick ass huge plants back in the day but that was over 20 years ago