Small tent big buds

Hey Guys :v:
I feel so blessed to be in this forum! There are so many inspiring Threads in here! :heart_eyes:
But now to my first post here:

I did several runs in a 6060 Tent already. I started with 4 3030 Pots and turned it into a freaking Jungle. Now I´m down to two of these pots for the last runs and did pretty good. But I think its not optimal right now. Do you guys have any experience at these size? Do you think smaller pots, but fitting 4 in there is better?


What are you growing in? Usually watering more often is better but different people got different opinions on that. In my opinion you want a pot that allows you to dry out the medium but still water frequently. I’m hand watering this cycle so I used 3 gallon so I would only have to water every 3-4 days. I usually use an automated system with 1 gallon pots that water twice daily. A lot of it is how much time/effort you can put into watering. Whether you use coco, soil, etc will also effect the size of pot you use but that’sa little easier to figure out based on the sized plants you grow. I also like to grow a variety of strains every run so smaller pots allows me more variety.


Thanks for your reply! I use reused Bio Bizz Light mix with some compost in it to revitalize it. I have zero experience with automated watering systems. My watering schedule is once in like 3 days.

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I would do 3 gallon pots for medium sized plants or 5 gallon if you want fewer big plants


4 rows of 4 autoflowers grown in 1l square pots is my next plan for my 60x60 tent.
I just finished a cream caramel auto in a potnoodle pot and I’m loving how it grew.

Just finished trimming it and it is easily gonna yield over half an oz when dry.

In theory the 60x60 “should” yield 8 oz


@Naptown916 thanks for the advice, will take this into account :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@Esrgood4u Bruuhh she looks absolutely stunning!
I sadly never got hands on Auto beans, but this sounds really intriguing :open_mouth:
Currently I`m running Purple Punch from Zamnesia from a lil mother I keep since August 20. Til now I always were a bit scared by these small pots. How do you water them? And especially how do you feed them? Could imagine its harder than in bigger pots? :thinking:
And another question out of curiosity. What kind of Nutes do you feed your girls? I´m in love with Bio Bizz but always on the search for a cheaper solution or just something new and maybe better :grinning:

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That auto was grown in coco. Food wise I just took a couple of jugs from my rdwc system and fed it some of that. Was just a test run for fum to see if a potnoodle pot would work :v:
In the same 60x60 at the minute I’ve got blueberry diesel growing in 2l fabric pots with a layer of hydroton and coco coir then topped off with more hydroton. The fabric pots and medium wick the nutrients up so all I do is pour a few jugs of mixed nutrients from my rdwc onto a tray they sit in

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Yo you`ve got me inspired there. I have seen these small pots in the forum before but as i said never tried it before. I think I will try 2l next time. Wish me luck haha
Wish you a pleasant evening my dude and thank you for your kindness! :v: :heart:


They work well. You just need to gauge the amount of water you put in by lifting the pots and feeling the weight.


Doesnt sound too hard.
I`ll try my best and make an Thread then :grinning:

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:rofl: taking a page outta my book now?

I think between 9 and 16 plants in coco in maybe 1Litre - 1Gallon ish pots is gonna be close to optimal. Leaves you space to thin out the runts if you start 25 ish and get a load of nice single cola plants but you gotta invest a seed run really to make it cheap enough


Check out @Mr.Sparkle for a detailed grow in small pots, he shows a lot of good information and i have learned a ton from browsing his threads with super tiny pot size’s.


Sort of. The way the cream caramel grew in that potnoodle pot I figured I could easily fit 16 in that 60x60 and get 8 oz. Hey we’ll find out soon enough. :rofl:
Just need to eat 15 more potnoodles :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:


I like 1G pots and 3G pots depending on what I’m doing.


Potnoodles have a dual purpose. They “sort of” feed you then your left with a pot that is perfect for starting plants. They just need a few holes put in them.
I’m tight AF so I’ve asked my entire family to collect them for me. :rofl:
If anyone has any sense of taste I should have 1 more pot by the end of the year. :grin:


Loving this thread, been thinking of getting a mini tent or two just for the giggles…


Small tent with a weak light can hold a decent mom plant. :v:
Small tent can be used for breeding seeds small scale. Done it myself in the past and it ended up yielding thousands of seeds.
Small tent perfect for SOG.
Ask the wife. Its not the size. It’s what you do with it. :rofl:
No offence :v:


Yeah for mums should be good

And it´s not the size but the taste that matters :rofl:


Touché :rofl:
Nice reply :+1:
I bet she said “strawberrys” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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@Bob13 I will check him out! Sounds super tight with the 1 litre pots. Gonna check the 2 l variant next i think.

@Esrgood4u Haha :joy:
First i bought the small tent because i simply dont have more space available. Been going good with 2 15 liter pots and then a kinda Srog ish setup. Had always around 250 G wet ±
But they always where a super tight fit and is totaly crap myself each time because I think they could get moldy in this tight space :grimacing:

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