8 week flower issue

I am 52 days in… First time in coco… Watered with nuts and ph’ed water to 5.8… Id have to recheck the run off… I think i forgot to add cal-mag or its a nuts lockout…

She has another 14 days to go… Should i start to flush right now… How flush for a couple day then one last nuts feed and flush for 7 days…?


Cupping looks like early stage P def to me. Have you added PK? I usually do from the 3rd to 7th week. (Too much most the time lol but it induces a bit of colour paired with cooler temps so I do it anyway) I don’t flush either as such and don’t see any problems. Don’t get hard ash. Kinda of the thinking taking away exactly what they need exactly when they need it is bad practice but thats just me lol.

With all that said and done. I’d carry on as you were. They’re not far off and they’re not just gonna dissipate into nothingness in that time. You got some nice looking frosty nugs in there mate.


“Flushing is for toilets” is a phrase I’ve seen here on more than one occasion here on OG. Personally I don’t flush but I do taper the ppms down and feed less in the final weeks. If you can allow a longer cure than usual the chlorophyll will dissipate eventually anyway :v:


Light off pics…


To me, it’s finishing up… looks like a slight burn even that curled the tips as they look a little crispy… Too close right now to right it so should just continue as usual til chop


Aye I drop all nitrogen from my feed in the last couple of weeks. It’s literally magnesium/sulfur/potassium and phosphorus that goes in then. (Dragon force) as of tomorrow for the tangie kush and rainbow kush actually. Day 49 that will be. Every time I tried flushing I ended up with a sub par smoke. Every time I haven’t I’ve produced nice tasty buds. I know there’s still PK in the dragon force btw but it’s lower PPMs than the likes of warrior 9/18

Yeah mate you’re smashing it. As you were :sunglasses: looks like good bud to me


I’ll like your post in 10 mins toast bro



Personnaly I’ve always flush, well ive always grown in dwc… So last 7 days is only water no nuts and i can say buds are tasty and never had a problem.

This one plant ia my first time trying coco so its a learning experience… I still prefer my rdwc system, but for summer heat coco might be better.


Try one with a flush and one without in future if you can and decide what you make of it. I grow in Coco. Ive done a flood and drain and it worked but I don’t like how you can’t “listen” to each individual plant to respond to any issues in a loop system. So went back to Coco. I’m considering another 2 pot system in my breeding tent. So I can spend less time in there and my bloom room not get pollinated accidentally though :sweat_smile:


That’s why I grow fems only now in my rdwc tent mate. It’s good to know that all 4 plants are guaranteed female so I can judge better the bloom and harvest times but they can all have the exact same veg time. My next photo grow I’m gonna try a 8 week veg to see if the extra yield I’ll get will be worth the extra time.


Yeah well i need more experience with coco and will get some :slight_smile: But I prefer the dwc way… Like you said you listen to ur plant and change according, in water its almost instantly… Thats why i find it easier.


It is definitely instant but there’s no buffer. That’s the only trouble with it really for me personally. Coco as much as people say it’s inert definitely does buffer to an extent. (Not as much as soil) I’ve never done a DWC but your the second person in 2 days to swear by it. Might consider it. Cheap and cheerful to build


Its simple, easy to maintaint… And growth is faster then coco/soil… You should give it a go you wont regret it :grin::grin:


It’s a lot easier to control the ph and ec if you have a control bucket located outside the grow tent mate. All I do is add ph down into the control bucket until it hits 6.0 then leave it for ten minutes until it’s done a revolution of the full system. I then check it again and keep repeating until it sits stable. The same goes for the ppm/ec. Having the control bucket outside the tent is also much easier for res changes as you don’t need access to the inside of the tent. My only issue is the solution temperature hence why I run sterile. I’ll add a chiller at some point so I can run beneficial bacteria👍


Im running Cultured Solution nuts in my rdwc with a res/control bucket… No chiller yet… Its winter here… So i have a intake straight from outside blowing on the bucket and temps. Is 67-69 all the time :slight_smile: Chiller is the next purchase for me.
I did my system myself cost me around 100 total… Best 100 buck ive spent…

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Yeah I’m the laziest grower here on OG :laughing: If it cant be bought pre built or as a self build system with all the parts in one go I tend to avoid it. The most important thing I’ve found though is to make sure the control bucket is located outside the grow area so you have total control 24/7 on the plants nutrient solution. It’s not a set and forget system though. Once into full bloom I’m topping up the control bucket with about 5 UK gallons every 2 days so the ph and ec amendment are every 2 days also. It can be a PITA but for the increase in yield is worth it. I run a dehumidifier set at 40% right through bloom and as I’m lazy I tend to just dump the “grey” water back into the rez.


Gonna knock a little design and cost up for my 2x4ft tent. I’ll have space outside for a control bucket too. Probably go RDWC though so I’ve got circulation aswell as aeration. Gotta be better than doing res changes like I was on the Flood and drain lol. I wasn’t too happy with the hydromax SW stuff I used last time but it was cheap and delivered so may have another go but see what additives they recommend.
It’s winter here too. It’s usually pissing down all through summer tbf :joy: welcome to Manchester eh. I’ll post up my conclusion later in the breeding thread


Mate that’s what I’m running and to be honest I’d not do it any other way now. I’d maybe run a smaller 9 x 10 litre system though as this 30 litre 4 bucket system the roots nowhere near fill the buckets. I think I over done it with the XL system I bought.


I was thinking on this system with 4 pots, my doubt is between the 10 liter or 16 liter pots. What do you think?


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What size space you got? I put pen to paper before and figured I can house 4 10l pots in my 2x4ft tent with like a 35mm gap between. (Just enough to use m25x15mm sealing glands for the recirculation hose) with the natural taper back in on the buckets. And a 5th control bucket can go outside the tent. On quick glance can’t get every component to build on eBay. And the total stands at £86.06

Some of the multiples are just because of pack numbers when buying
6 x 10l buckets with lids £16.59
5 x 140mm net pots £13.99
Hidom HD-601 air pump £7.49
Air pump manifold (4 way) £6.99
8x6mm black nylon tube 10metres £7.99
M25X15MM sealing glands x 20 £10.15
PG9 cable glands x 10 £2.09
1500lph fountain pump £8.79
Ceramic pyramid airstone 60mm x 4 £11.98
Sonoff basic £5

Total spend as it stands £91.06
Add whatever for hydroton and nutrients

Might be worth building your own @George

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