Smooth transition into flower

In “my opinion” I feel one of the most important steps to a good harvest is a smooth transition from veg to flower. I have read a lot of opinions that say they crank the bloom formula up high as soon as they put it into flower. Observations show that the plant is not needing a full dose of bloom until around 7-9 days in flower and needs more nitrogen during this transition phase because the plant is not budding and is growing branches and leaf first.
It also seems logical that if you jam the plant up with the wrong nutrients during this time it could slow down the natural transition into budding and thus result in less bud growth.
What do you experts think about a smooth transition into flower rather than hitting it hard the first day? Thanks for your opinions!
I run a 9 day transition.

I also read an article where the guy said that he ran a bunch of different regimens to test the differences, such as lowering nitrogen and not lowering nitrogen, and they all gave him the same results because marijuana is so resilient that it adapts.


The plant definitely isn’t going into flower as soon as you change the light schedule. I feed it the same until I see stretch stop and then start changing the feed a little bit, but I don’t do any boosts or anything like that. I grow pot. I’m not a scientist, nor trying to be. If you want to actually experiment and stuff, you’ll need to keep growing the same cut over and over and trialing all of this. But, then your info is relevant to that cut. Some will like less or more of something and so on. Best of luck!


Those are the tests I am performing now.

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I also make that weekly transition but then lower Nitrogen intake, it’s used by the plant to grow leaves and what we want at that time is buds … beer3|nullxnull


Then just try it all yourself. Try doing it on all of the different days from the first 20-30 days after flip with different cuts and see what type of difference you observe. I will tell you that if you don’t already have everything dialed in exactly, it’s all kind of irrelevant. Everything needs to be exactly the same for each cut. Temps, humidity, light intensity, air movement, and so on. Seems like overkill to me, but if it entertains you, more power to you!


I keep giving veg ferts until 10.4 days after flip.


Before this specific stage, i don’t “bloom enhance” the plant. And when i do it, i do it progressively (like any other nutrient’s type actually, i never go full throttle suddenly on anything). I’m very very picky on parasite tastes on the final product. Like … terribly picky and intolerant.


I used to change up as I flipped but the last 2 grows I kept everything pretty balanced until i saw bud development before adding any additional flower nutes, even then went light the first couple feeds. Running FF trio & calmag. Granted could be the varieties, and nute lines, medium, but seemed to have slightly better yeild and didnt run into some of the mid flower deficiencies that i typically do, and im pretty good at screwing sometging up in flower.


I n I put it all in a pot and allow the plant to do what it do. Met a fella in Cool CA 25 years ago with 12-15 footers. He put all bottles in a drum and fed beginning to end. In the Earth. Just remembered that.

She wants to grow. Best when I stay out the way.

I go from using in veg:
2.8g Silica
7g Calmag
10g Maxi Bloom
Per 7 liters of water

To in flowering:
2.8g Silica
7g Calmag
10g Maxi Bloom
Per 7 liters of water

Pz :v:t2:


The octopot people got feed dailed in already

Veg 1/1/1
Flip , Stretch 2/1/1
D 14 Flower 1/2/2 -1/3/2 gradually upping to 1/4/4 by adding pk supliment to original 1/2/2-1/3/2 ppm base feed
W8- Finish 1/2/6

Tried and tested , works with every system bar coco ( cations )
Remembering calmag or calnit has n so that changes ratio of base feed , something to concider

: )


dead ass on :sunglasses: @ifish

I personally feed my veg food through week 3 of the flip , flower nutes start week 4 for me


Screenshot (137)

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Yep same here @Jetdro although I back off the veg and increase the bloom nutes during the stretch, also the QB board gets raised above the canopy and in output gradually during the two weeks after flip.

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Are you growing sativa strains with a long flower time?

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No i grow mostly 10 weekers


Why not 10.2


That extra .2 makes all the difference