So what do you think of the shiny new cannabis guide at Leafly?

It just makes my head spin, but I’m old.


Playing around with it. Helps to pretend it’s something new rather then try to map old Leafly onto it.
Seems like they wrinkled the Availability section and the search ordering is a little wonky.

New Leafly sucks. Only improvement is family-tree thingy, otherwise it’s fuckin retarded tablet smartphone menu shit.

2 noteables that have done this to me are Gmail & BBC. :unamused:

Death to Marketing!


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Seems I’m not alone then…



About the same as I r8 phylos or weed maps…


I’ll let you know when the cones cells in my retinas regenerate. New sponsor Day-Glo Color Corp.

weed maps give bad directions each time i always have to copy paste the title of the store or place to a real map app.

Lol. Never used it. Have a feeling meeting a rando in the alley behind a order by number Chinese restaurant would have better results than a dispensary trying to push salt laden flavor of the month. Plus in the end, black market matters


the site was entertainment only haha all the nug photos looked like from the same bag too. Purple haze that nug is green only haha. Whatever I just liked the stories some of these idots you know “Couch lock feeling intensified… Got here on a bike I am not sure I can / want to operate all the way back to hotel. But this place is going to close so…”

Hahaha. And the dutch know they are not connisuers like California and they are growing as fast and drying as fast as they can for the euro and no other reason they dont try to hide it.

The farmers on the other hand haha thats a different story. I was at Amsterdam cheese market once and more than one farmer tried to sell me outdoor bales of weed several kilos worth and good price and said man thats cool and all but I am only here a week.

I think some people from balkans and far from there go for vacay and then traffic all the way home haha.

Not me man but I feel you there are always two ways to go as far as weed sales. I prefer cameras and cops not being able to hurt me so like the store route but to each their own. After a few decades in the streets your mind about the black market may change.

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I understand fully. I’m just cut from a different cloth. Trust me black market has sent me on quite a few adventures! But the journey is often more exciting than the destination itself

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The destination is death or penitentiary. There is no need to get your teeth knocked out by police for seeking out the only meds that help you on a corner they “patrol”. If you want any kind of longevity in your life it is to be avoided plus now that weed selling and buying can be done legally at all one can take a massive foothold on free land and nail your feet into it with the bill of rights, thus cemented in position to free our brothers who are in a place that serves no one to head towards.

I smoke weed because my brain is fucked up and its the only thing that helps but freedom and basic human dignity are my drugs of choice.

Could be stated if longevity was my end game, I probably wouldn’t make my living in an industry with one of the highest mortality rates on an annual basis. I understand what you are saying. However, I have issues w supporting a system that uses tax money to incarcerate people for crimes in which some overlord hasn’t given ‘permission’ for them to possess/ grow. Seems a bit fucked if completely honest. But in the end, isn’t death everybody’s destination?

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Yes and I thought just like you a long time ago. Now that I am in a better position within the system I can see many advantages to internally being of like mind with you externally wearing a suit or doing whatever I need to if it means I get to spread my inner light into food for hungry people and a hammer to break chains that enslave in our drug war.

I am by no means suggesting that the capitalist market is superior or should replace the shadow economy and for the record I am repulsed by things like income tax, towns with 500 people and full swat teams that have barrett 50 cal and armored apc. I am against tycoons building private prisons for the state and cashing out with tax dollars and telling the state “fill em up, use possession law!”

And I tried to make a difference in the street my entire life. Now I’m old and all I grew up with are dead or incarcerated so deeply I am not allowed to speak to or visit them.

Please if you haven’t ever seen it watch the movie from the early 90s it predates 9/11 and patriot act called Enemy of the State. Will Smith is a lawyer being fucked with by NSA. NSA wetboy is played by Gary Busey’s nephew and NSA computer nerds are Jack Black and Seth Green, corrupt senator using them for tyranny and cover up is John Voight, and the hero who was NSA wunderkind until he was used and abused in 80s iran / iraq war by nsa in the 90s when the film takes place is dissavowed ex nsa ex us citizen living below grid as a ghost is Gene Hackman.

And at the end of the second act, will smith is losing hope they have been smeared in media psyop and their loved ones murdered to coerce them, and will says we might as well shoot ourselves they are going to get us and we are fucked.

And Gene Hackman says not necessarily. NSA does have cool toys like sat images etc but it makes them big bulky organization that cannot move as fast as us, thinks they know everything about us and what we are doing but they dont. We are light, we have stealth, they do not know we are coming, and these are all mighty advantages we will use to win.

The war on drugs is not the sport on drugs its not the game on drugs its a fucking war that his killed an immeasurable amount of earth humans taken countless property and locked millions in the jar for thought crime and legislated morality of immoral sociopaths and tyrants.

I am once again going to point out this year is 2019 is back on the internet mad states have legal rec weed and more all the time we are winning and I demand outright overwhelming victory for the human race against our adversary, through unity and love and disproportionate use of force.

If anyone feels the need to to serve the community non violently in the prohibition zone with weed or mdma or whatever chemical or plant material is contraband in their particular zone, that’s fine and should continue. My point is, take freedom! If you want to do that go ahead, if you want to stop and go legal go ahead, if you want to do both go ahead. We are going to overgrow this planet as it was before free all our children and the adversary is digging in because they see it too and know for a fact that their days and the days of the status quo are numbered and we want our food, electricity, heat, energy, meds, speech and privacy rights, and humanity has reached a level where there is no reason to make is suffer and klll one another for crumb bits any mroe.

click clack<

who’s coming with me?


Each to their own I suppose. :laughing:

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I’m not yet awake enough to muster my inner Celt.

And I’m high. :wave:

@Esrgood4u ? Would @Ghandisflipflop bang a chick with 8 arms? :thinking:



please that aint a thing, I been known to get goro in a whoro…


He’s banged far worse before so I can’t see why not :laughing:


If she was fit and has a nice personality I would.

Like that would ever happen. :sweat_smile::wink:


AAAANND!!! She can wash dishes & cook & do some other shit simultaneuosly! :thumbsup: :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:



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yea right a woman with four arms would have two of them signing my checks and one hitting me the other carressing my friends haha. Sheeva she’s brutal there is no love involved haha, nice personality, hahaha, you spelled good at lying wrong…

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