Who do you want to smoke with?

Hey everyone, I don’t know if it’s been done already, but i thought this would make an interesting topic. If you only have one choice, who would you like to smoke with and why?

I myself would choose Tommy Chong, with or without Cheech, doesn’t matter. I remember watching ‘Up in Smoke’ when i was 3 or 4 years old, and i feel like it pretty much unknowingly paved the way to where I am now.

What about all of you? Who would you smoke with and why?


Bubbleman! I would love to try some real six star hash out of a Mothership rig.


My grandma. Except I did that as a teenager.

She said it was great for her arthritis but apologized that she wouldn’t be able to get up to see me out the door. We had a good laugh.

I wish I could do that again.


yeah… i sort of smoked with my dad once, he took a hit and wandered off, lol.


Got to be Willie :wink:


#1 My brother, for sure. I smoked with him before, but sadly never again

#2 mike judge as beavis and butthead simultaneously


Bodhi (seems like a nice fella)
Chris Farley
Hunter Thompson
Jesus, Buddha
& any Alien species that has cannnabinoid receptors :grin:





Jimi Hendrix, because he was such a cool cat, but since that is impossible, Noam Chomsky to discuss a conclusion to his lifetime of work and Dave Chappelle because I respect the man and would love to meet him.


Probably George Carlin or Mac Miller. Talk shit with George or get a studio sesh in with Mac would be so sweet


Michael Jordan - (One of the best in the NBA of all time, he needs no reasons :joy:)
Mr. Canucksgrow - (to pick his brain about living soil and the best strains he has grown and why plus he seems like a cool dude so I bet smoking with him is just a great time)
Dave Chappelle - (His comedy is great and I bet he has a bunch of great stories to tell plus half baked is another classic stoner movie hah)
Method man and Redman - (How high is a classic and I remember hearing some of there songs on street hoops back in the day)
Young Adult Michael Jackson - (Billy Jean and thriller days to ask him about his musical inspirations and views on life in general)

These are my top 6 in no particular order😁


I’ve been on a real big Alan Watts binge as of late, I would love to smoke up with him and poke at his brain. Another great addition would be Da Vinci, but I’m not sure we’d be able to communicate that well.


With the better growers here and their superb plants


I’d like to smoke with @Instg8ter @zephyr @misterbee , then eat some edibles with @G-paS . Would also love to share a bowl or more with @Heliosphear , @DougDawson , @nefrella . You people are on my smoke up/ list :wink:. @Oldtimerunderground @ReikoX @DesertHeartGardens @chronix , I bet you all would be great smoking buds too.

Yall are awesome :ok_hand:



@oleskool830’s dog Gordy :sunglasses:



Well others are picking more than one. lol So I will pick 4.


Mike, Hemp and Johnny, because I have been wanting to since I met them and I think it would be like old friends coming together. Just, comfortable like an old pair of slippers.

The last one would be my mom. She struggles so hard against the pain she lives with but is dead set against marijuana. She refuses the pain pills that her doctors keep pushing on her (smart move IMO) but she would never go against her upbringing.
Besides, she needs to chill out more. She can be wired a little too tight at times. lol


Rick, from Rick & Morty, must be fun :sweat_smile:


Carl Sagan. Think how deep a rabbit hole those stoned conversations would go down.


Who I’d like to smoke with, alive or otherwise, would be Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Dude was a party animal. Plus he’s my favorite composer/musician of all time.

The best 1-time smoke buddy, hands down, Tommy Chong. It wasn’t anything personal, or a 1 on 1 sesh, but he did hand the J directly to me, so I count it. It was at a festival at a place called Rainbow Farms in Vandalia, Michigan. The festival was WHEE! 2000. My step cousin and I somehow got 3 day passes for free because we agreed to clean the bathrooms at the club house. I’m not even sure how we got there, to be honest, but it felt like a pilgrimage to Mecca. We were sitting under the pavilion at the club house, smoking and talking to random people. A group of people come walking up and I start to see High Times badges around people’s neck, then my cousin taps my elbow and said “Dude… I think that’s CHONG!” Sure enough, it was him. He was with the High Times people, and the editor was rolling up stuff that came out of leather pouches that he wore around his neck. That was also the very first time I smoked Blueberry and also Bubblegum. So all these joints are going around, there’s tons of people now. Someone taps my arm and I look to my right and see a hand holding a joint. I take it and said “Hey, thanks” without looking up. I hear “Oh, yeah maaaaan. No worries” and immediately lit the fuck up. I recognized that nasal drawl that stretched out the “a” in “man” without a second thought. I stood up and shook his hand and just said “Thank you” over and over. Then I sat down and puked all over the table. So yep, Tommy Chong watched me barf all over the table, and possibly splash on his shoes. I was promptly escorted back to my tent by security and left in a heap on ground. I spent the rest of the festival trying not to be seen, totally embarrassed, and running every time I heard someone say “Isn’t that the guy that puked on the table?” :sweat_smile:

I forgot to mention that earlier that day I tried some opium for the very first time. Whoopsie, my bad. :man_shrugging:

Edited for spelling


A giraffe after I fulfill my life goal of punching him in the face. Just a way to show him it wasn’t personal by rolling up a fatty afterwards.