SOG, SCROG or ? on a Commercial Scale

Wow, that looks a phenomenal yield for such small pots. Mad respect !

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Ive done my fair share of commercial SOG. It works wonders, as long as you know how to clone/keep moms well.


Our moms and propagation department makes several hundred, if not thousands a month for sure. I think RH might be a concern for a SOG setup currently. Trying to convince them to run a certain bushy strain we have in a modified SOG, maybe double the plant count, and eliminate the scrog netting (they get so bushy and stay shorter). A true SOG would be 10x the plant count for sure with our spacing, and I can see RH being problematic at that density right now. Since that one strain grows like a beachball, increasing the density might let them support themselves if needed, and still keep airflow up and RH down.

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this is what I did this year. It worked better than not having it but next year I’m doing two layers