Soil Preparation For First Grow

No daily I add 50-60 ml of water

When it fell could some of the roots have been damaged?

Depending on the exact environmental conditions, this could still be too much water.
Try watering around the rim/outside, this will promote root expansion.
In other words dont water at the base of the plant.
Double check PH and PPM of the soil runoff/out.
Keep light levels on the lower side of things.
Add a foliar spray of calcium nitrate or even magnesium nitrate.
Plain old Cal/Mag will work in a pinch.

Good luck

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I recommend for new growers to use a clear soda bottle as a pot. It helps to be able to visually see the root development and moisture content of the soil.

Honestly the first two weeks the plant has enough nutrients stored within the seed that it should grow happily in almost anything.

I am not sure exactly what is going wrong, but I hope you don’t get discouraged by this. This is a hobby, and a learning experience.

Many people don’t really want to grow weed, they just want weed. They aren’t interested in building a relationship with the plant. If you are interested in that, then this is the beginning of a long relationship. Learning what the plant wants, how it communicates with you, etc. You are just beginning, and this is a hobby that takes time to learn. Please don’t get discouraged.


Yes not losing hope pics from today morning

Yes one mistake I done was I overwater and only its top and it made condition worse but last two environment is good rain and light sunglight in my area

Next 3 remaining hope can convert it to plant .

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Bummer, any idea what happened? All part of the experience :+1:.

I’d also recommend using a smaller pot for first few weeks


Lime will work here ? Why yellowish?

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That imho is overwater and possibly heat stress

When you water , water through slowly so if plant has dry pockets the water will run through quickly and not water sufficiently ! If you can try watering from the bottom allowing the water to suck up , this is better for root development I do a combination of both!

All to drain and then lift the plant see how heavy it is !
Let it dry maybe 3 / 4 days then lift the plant see how heavy she is if still heavy LITFA it light water it’s the bast way to figure out how much you need to water

I do believe the plant is also hungry so what ever you decide to use as fertilizer use 1/2 the recommended amount it you’re totally organic top dress with worm castings, compost, or if you can make a compost tea the plants love it

At this young stage use very little feed


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I have 2 seeds remaining which didn’t come out above soil ?
Both directly I put in soil like above