Start of a new grow

So I am documenting here my grow…


3/3 seeds germinated with float technique ( search it on Og, you will get to know )
But like last time, i broke one seed again :sob: thanks to my shaking hands while picking up seeds with tweezers :sob:
Anyways… 2 seeds planted in 2 plucks and keeping it inside steel glasses.

1 x Durban sunrise
2 x Charlotte yesterdream ( 1 x I broke while picking up so now only 1 x Charlotte yesterdream )


Go on then. I’ll have a gander at the show :eyes:

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Got my seat, popcorn, snow caps, and Pepsi. Show looks good so far got my attention. :nerd_face:


I hope there is a show :joy:

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What are you growing?

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Ohh forgot to add… Let me edit

Here is the grow diary bro

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Plucks inside humidity dome.
36 hours passed by… No sign of seed popping out the soil… :crossed_fingers:


You should tell people the strain is Martini Shaker.

Best of luck.


:joy: I will call it whatever people suggest… I am focused on growing, not on name :joy:


@alwaysnoob here

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He’s currently trying to grow Durban sunrise by @Hydro921 and Charlotte’s yesterdream by @repins12

So far seeds popped tail and went into pucks right bro?

Feel free to record in your journal, good or bad…:wink:
You are not a real grower till you have killed some seeds LoL


When i have you, i have no disappointment, no fear,no regret… I know you will take care… :heart: U bro

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Still watching and waiting for the next episode.

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Which method do you use to germinate the seeds?

Pz :v:t2:

In a glass peroxide and water in dark warm place, in boy short glass on a plate y with a black tall coffee mug over top on the cable box. :+1:

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Float technique… Just put another seed for paper towel method…

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I just put 1 drop peroxide in 1 litre water… Tranferred that water to 2 transparent glasses…2 seeds in 1 glass and 1 in 1 glass…
Glasses in wardrobe closet in corner, where light doesnt reach… In 3 days i could see the tails…
My friend had 22/27 seeds germinated with this technique


Day 4 it is and still no signs of seed popping out of the plucks… I suspect there is something wrong… :confused:

So… The two seeds arent growing but the one i planted 3 days ago… Showing some good sign…
Last evening i spray some water on soil and also inside dome… Looks like it is coming outside… But i am hopefull that seed cover fall off quick now…any suggestion guys?