Some concerns about how legit my seeds are.

I’m a bit weary of a 400w light for that price, but can’t find anything bad other than a review or 2 that says the connectors got hot and melted so that would deter me personally. I’d be super cautious about that and I always recommend a fire extinguisher ball hung above tents, or any light that’s iffy


LMAO I know, but she isnt rich either and she is tryin to help.

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Is not top end but it has an overall 4.5 stars so im not super concerned. When I get money in Augest Ill prolly replace it with either a Mars hydro, Spider Farmer or Viperspectra. But For now and to make sure I can get through flowering with a couple grows, It should work.


I have looked into it a bit, watched a video on youtube, it seems at least passabley decent until I get some money in augest and can get a better light. I have plenty of airflow so im not really worried about heating issues, plus the one video I watched show it after running for 20 mins and the higest temp anywhere on it was 91f.

It was the best she could do right now to help me get enough light for flowering stage, Its for sure not a top end model but it should work at least for a few months till I can get something better, which will prolly be a mars Hydro, spider farmer or Viperspectra, Maybe a Vivosun.

The fact that the reviews were mostly postive gives me hope that it might be one of those rare “Cheap but decent” things lol


I started out very similarly with a very tight budget and some blurple Chinese lights. I was able to grow some pretty good weed with it and could supply my wife and I enough smoke that we stopped buying from the dispensaries. Focus on keeping them healthy and don’t sweat the names on your gear. Best of luck with your grow!

PS I still have the same cheap lights and tent from 2016 and keep clones in it. It does great for me in that role.


At least the cheap modern lights are not Burples and are full spectrum right lmao. My first grow tent for food plants indoors was a Burple, did fine for tomatoes and peppers.


I wasn’t saying anything negative about the light, that’s a great deal for that many watts if it puts out the light it says, I was just saying be careful of fire since it seems a few people had melted wires from overheating and I wouldn’t be surprised at shoddy wiring on such a cheap price point electronic.
I feel like there’s a reason most lights are all around the same price point, even for a “low end” light 400 watts for 150 on sale to 80something is sketchy cheap imo. 20 mins run time is a lot different than 18h a day every day for months, just saying to be careful and take precautions! :grin:
Best of luck with your grow!


good advice for @Ace71975

90% of my stuff is DIY and cheap. but i still turn out potent ganj.

most of us start out with less than ideal equipment. see if you even like doing it before worrying about all the gucci grow gear.

focus on your grow. read, learn, ask pertinent questions. your chick is counting on you. don’t let her down.


Will do, and no offense taken brother.

No need to cut the diffuser it comes right off if you get a knife where it is stuck and rotate the bulb.

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Oh ya I am not sweatin the names, If it works and works well, I dont care what name is on it! I have a PPFD and DLI tester on my phone so ill will for sure be checkin it out.


I think that’s a decent light, good enough to get great yields and way better than a blurple. The differences between good and good enough are shrinking, especially with spectrum. The reviews are probably due to substandard wiring or cooling, but if your tent has an exhaust fan you probably won’t have any worries.


Go to a dollar store or Home DePOT and grab some cheap led bulbs, some electrical cord and a few sockets and you can supplement with them. CFL will even add a little extra for a very low cost. Not ideal but they will work. I did a whole grow with ultra low watt led and cfl bulbs a few years ago as an experiment and was shocked with the results. Just need to get them pretty close to the plants to be effective. Like I said it’s not ideal but can certainly bump up the light output in your tent. Google dollar store grow lights and you will got some ideas. Hope that helps a little.


Yes. Buy a couple 9 watt led lights that fit in a regular light fixture. Take a serrated steak knife and cut the plasic halo off. That will give you MUCH more light. I have used those things dozens of times and grew some great quality smoke. Keep your plants short and choose fast flowering types so you have a fast turn over.


I think I figured out the problem that the people with melted wires had. When you assemble it, the Wires lay up against the driver and the heat sink unless you use a rachet hanger to lift them off it, which I did, I am almost willing to bet that those melted wires were User error by leaving them lay on the parts that do get hot, tho my 6in fan with ducting to the window(not open but the space between the window and the blind is cold as hell in ohio winter) blowing straight on the light keeps it nice and cool.

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