Light for a 4x2

Hey guys I’ve decided to go ACinfinity for the tent and accessories but cant decide on the light. This is my first grow using LED- my setup is in southeast Alaska in my garage where the ambient temperatures range from 40-65 degrees F throughout the year. Most of the year, the temp in the garage is around 55 degrees F but can fluctuate a little bit during summer and winter months.

I had budgeted out about $2000 for the setup and it looks like the tent /accessories is going to be about ~$500 so money is not really much of a consideration between these lights though I don’t want to waste money.

I’ve whittled it down to these ones- Admittedly I haven’t looked at some other brands that were recommended… I keep getting caught up between quantum boards and bar lighting and just don’t have the experience to know what the heat issues will be like with a quantum board or why I should go bar-light over QB.

Migro Array 4 - $280
HLG 350R Diablo- $550
HLG 320 Rspec FR $450
Neocision Spectra Explorer - $500
KindLED 420x - $600

This forum is the best- Once I get this ordered and pick out the genetics I’m going to log the whole process on here.


I use this in 2 2x4’s… It is a great full spectrum light that adds nearly no heat at all to the tent so I can control temperatures better.

If you want US made then HLG could work. Looks like i’d get separate flower and veg though and that doubles or triples price where the SF are full spectrum. HLG325 is close but it isn’t designed for a 2X4.


I run a migro array 4 in a space about 3ft x 7ft. I do soil and it produces great dense buds. Easily grows 1.5g pw imo probably 2g pw. Havent used the others but the migro is used in my grow diary.


Thanks! I was actually looking at this one by SF:

How is your yields at 200 watts on the SF2000?

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Oh perfect I will check that out today thank you sir!

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With my last grow I was able to get nearly a half pound in 2 female plants. It was the best yield i’ve ever had.

430W is too much for a 2x4. Also I do not think those are Samsung diodes.


The MiGRO Aray 4 is definitely a good buy, especially for the cost. Shane has a wealth of information on what to look for in a grow light, and gives his unbiased opinions on his YouTube channel, if you need more data to go by. But, also look to see what Dr. Bugbee (who appears on his channel) and other experts have to say about light spectrum, distance, supplementary UV/FR/IR, etc.

This won’t be your last light, but it could be one of too many without proper research.

For example, depending on your climate/where in your living space you grow, you may or may not want one with a detachable driver. There’s a lot of parameters at play, and there is no perfect solution for any one grower.

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Im liking my ac infinity ionframe 8 a lot. I also run a couole 2x4s as well and plan to switch then to ionframes as well instead of the qboards i have in them now.


this is right from Shane about the 4500:

" Spider Farmer G4500

The Spider Farmer G4500 is the highest wattage grow light on this list at 430 watts consumed. It delivers a very high average PAR of 1,378 µmols/m²/second. At this PAR intensity you need to run CO2 in a sealed grow room with air conditioning. Elevated CO2 is needed so that the plants can use all of the light in this setup."

I didn’t even notice the air conditioning part- scratch that one off the list. thanks.


I wish so badly that they sold those lamps with their bundles. I would just buy the bundle and be happy.


I don’t know who shane is but that G series is the bootleg series for SF. I’d go with SF or SE.

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Shane is a well-respected researcher in the community and owner of MiGRO.

He’s the guy that sells migro lighting and reviews lights.

SE being the Spectra explorer?

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Oh yeah that guy. Not like he’d be biased at all.


Hes not biased, thats why I brought a light off him.

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Its also why manufacturers send their lights to him so he can test and show the results

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I’m not sure to take that as sarcasm or not, but he does recommend other brands/models for other purposes, and interviews, and gives interviews for, other experts in the field. One size doesn’t fit all, after all.

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Would any of you guys go with a quantum board in 2024?
Everyone seems to be recommending the bar style lights.

HLG has such a good rep. they are hard to ignore.

Some quantum boards are fairly nice. Ionboard/Iongrids are exceptional for example, depending on your use case.

I watched his videos and realized I like to listen to people who aren’t selling what they’re reviewing. HLG/SF consistently came up as peoples go to lights and noone said migrow unless you were on r/microgrowery or youtube.

I lucked out with the sf2000 as I got a really good deal from someone in Oakland and it came out to about $60.