Some concerns about how legit my seeds are.

If im being 100% honest, A lot of my Strain list are on there because they are names I remember from my teen years, Some are their because they are known to NOT make you brain dead with couch lock. I know so little about the New Strains and the New Crosses, that I guess I should make a post asking for strain suggestions based on the effects im looking for since I have learned that Sativas are not necessarily going to be energizing and Indica is not necessarily gonna give you couch lock.

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There’s a guy on AFN who has been running Linda seeds for a couple of years in a grow log and he’s really happy with them.

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It’s falling on you because the content, but my intentions are good.

This quote is totally the main reason why the white label system exist, and expand. It’s not a story of a bad side and a good side like “Dark Horse” is too tempted to present : it’s the demand. By the way he’s totally wrong about Alchimia/Philosopher seeds … so i guess it’s more a general web-surfing-stalking feedback.

Now your list mean something for an industrial : “this guy don’t give a fuck to get the genetic he initially want, let’s sell him what he openly want : a fake that is at one light year from the initial wish”.

By the way the majority of the list are long flowering strain, it’s irrational. If they take so long and if the majority have singular reputation … it’s not for nothing. Some strains need time to perfectly mature and you can’t cut off drastically the flo stage without big sacrifices in the grade. Between an hempy Jack Herer and the real deal, that’s not even a valley of differences but two totally different plants and smoke.

If you’re really fond of autos for whatever reason, choose blends that are not brutally changing the dynamic of the maturation. You have more chances to end with a decent stuff with initially short afghanis blends. The BX is less brutal for the smoke quality (even if i can’t stand this kind of hybrids).

They are marketed as it, but in facts it’s not true at all lol

I rarely top or fim my plants, because i want to see their shapes and also because a lot of strains don’t react well to this in killing the productivity/year. Autos are not the answer to a cannabis that is supposed to be absolutely topped to be grown. It’s just a popular practice now, that in most growlogs don’t really have a technical purpose considering the time spent.

No one forbids you to buy a cheap white label WW, then grow them directly in 12/12 from fem seeds (sic).
Not even the plants. It’s a biased POV of what you can accomplish with a thousands of different methods and organization, and the right choice of the strain.

Come one … you can even set it on your phone now with fancy apps.

This is a major problem if you plants can’t have a night. Like a problem that have to be solved whatever you grow. Plain dark is important for indoor cannabis.

Stop to read this kind of sources then and stay around a bit ^^ Without any intentions to do it, you just indirectly say that fems can’t turn herms with a fucked photoperiod cycle. Because they are not “reg-photo”(double-sic).Which is quite super-wrong lol

Tent are easy to patch, you just need cyanolite and something to glue on the outside of the tent. You can even sew it easily. For the zipper, just add more velcro to the “flap” and sew/glue it. The whole cost almost nothing but time.

Wrong again ^^

Wrong again, it’s easy to take a bunch of (the right) natural seeds and beat the ass of auto in term of speed with them. By example, the hindu kush (NL2 cousin) and the WW have both this potential in your list.

Marketing IS NOT education buddy, take care of you and stop to buy auto because your tent isn’t lightproof. It have non sense my friend if you take 5 minutes to think about it … you want these weeds of your list. So go for it and dodge the hay, worth the ride.


Here’s more food for thought:

Sometimes, even the gear you’re 100% certain of and pay top dollar for, can herm or not germinate.


Can you explain what you mean and how they are not? I am new to growing cannabis, but to me, anything that I can set at 18/6 and leave it there till its done sounds simpler?

Isnt it suppse to increase yield with photos when you top or fim?

How effective is this? Does Growing 12/12 from that start at least yeild an ounce or 2 per plant? Im not trying to get lbs per plant, I would be happy anywhere from 1-4 ounces per plant.

My Light is a Mars Hydro TS 1000 150w, I have no fancy app nor controller for it, just a shitty and very old mechanical timer that you have to manually adjust. Honestly Wish I could afford a fancy AC Infinity automated tent, but sadly I am unable to work and cant afford that.

I have read mutiple places that autos can be ran all the way up to 24/0 with no dark period, is this not true?

Not trying to sound combative, if I do I am sorry, but what your saying is going against pretty much every thing I have read about autos, and pretty much every video I have watched from channels like Cltv,Mr.Growit,From the Stash,and even things that I have heard watching Dr.Bruce Bugbee??

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Well that is always a risk tho right?


How big is your grow area?

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My tent is 31in x 32in x 63in.

I havent had a bad plant since since the Blue Dream x True OG i grew in 2014. That’s because i stopped buying shitty seeds. Ruderalis isn’t even THC.

You’re probably going to want some more light for flower. That’s what I veg with in a similar sized area and thats using a single Diablo board, so I could probably use more myself. You’re at about ~22 watts per square foot, that’s pretty light.

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Well, that is impossible sadly, I can not afford to buy another light. I was told that I will likely need to drop it to like 12in to 18in from the canopy when i start seeing buds. But I cant afford anything new at least until Augest(if then).

I gotcha, just wanted to set the expectation. You can also get screw in led bulbs and add a few of those throughout the grow to add more light in a cost effective manner. You would cut the plastic dome off if you did this.


My Girl has some Clear Glass 6500k Daylight led bulbs that she doesnt like that are very bright white light but I really dont want to hob cob it up with a bunch of screw in fixtures in there. What Wattage led grow light would you say would be enough for that space for both veg and flower?

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The main subject for me is seeing someone buying a line only for two reasons : a problematic tent that can be fixed for cheap and the name attributed to an hybrid that have nothing in common with the said name. I loop on the jack herer VS bastardized one, there is no chance that the original don’t win a blind test by far lol

They are not specifically easier overall, just this. It’s just the way to sell it to the masses.

For the terrible difficulty to switch your lights (?!), just use a perpetual 12/12 and charge the space with clones, seeds, whatever you want … if you want simpler, simply do simpler lol

Not on all strains of the world, no. It’s called cannabis, not “photos”.


An oz is possible, but with the right genetic only (not chosen for esoteric reasons) and a bit of experience.

You will be used to this ^^ Now i think sincerely and without any sarcasm that you read some of my answers like you readed the “all autos are the most easy weed to grow” or the “better to grow autos that the weed i initialy want” etc … i’m not absolute, i answer per the negative to the absolute “laws” you shared as main reasons for your choice. Your only bias is the lack of experimentation, and maybe a blind trust on auto’s fanboys lol


12/12 from seed isn’t the same thing as running autos. I think SOG or SCROG if you’re going to do that. Also 12/12 from seed is a way to get a fast harvest out of photos but they still have to be set up in a SOG configuration for decent yield. (12/12 from seed isn’t the best way to yield.)

These days, good autos are just as good as good photos. The biggest problem with autos is that when you find an awesome pheno, all you can do is smoke it unless you already pollinated it. There’s no cloning


Its all cannabis is it not, even autos are cannabis, when I say photos i do so simply to avoid typing out “Photoperiod cannabis plants” Photos is just quicker lmao.

Well, Admittedly, I am in the middle of my very first cannabis grow, so I am sure the experimentation will come in the future. I dont blindly trust anyone let alone someone who sounds like a fanboy, I honestly have spent countless hours since my state voted for legal in Nov last year reading, watching videos, reading scientic research articles, and learning in general, honestly thought I had the gist of it but, clearly I missed some things wish I had found this forum in Nov if im being 100% honest lol.


I’d be shooting for a 300 watt light that can be dimmed for veg.

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Well, I THOUGHT it was impossible… Did I mention that while I am broke as shit and Poor, I have a REALLY amazing girlfriend who even tho she is against pot being at her house and using it herself, is completly supportive of me? How does 400w light sound? Cause she just ordered me this. Granted its not a “top end brand” but the spectrum, PPFD, and the like looks good.


It says right there on the page



That should work really well! Definitely don’t max it out though, that’d be asking for trouble, but you will be much happier imo.

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