Somethings going on

One of my mothers is starting to do this leaf thing .I amended with two teaspoons of kelp meal a week ago.Would that cause my leaves to do this?Its not happening all over the plant just a leaf or two here and there.Trying to fix the problem before it becomes an issue.


First sight, gun to my head I’d guess calcium deficiency but I’ve got a seedling that’s showing some of the same textering on one leaf but not others. I just kept’d,molasses as well and she’s in fresh hot soil so no reason other than something we’re not thinking about. Did you just repot,move lights,change water source by chance?

How old?
Photo of whole plant?

The more info we get, the better we can help.

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I’m using TLO soil Spahgnam peat moss vermiculite perlite kelp malted barley and vermicompost.I’m not going to do the whole calmag thing with this type of soil I find it pointless it was amended with nectar of the gods one shot over 2 months ago and that feed doses out at over 3 months so I don’t thing it’s not having enough calcium there’s molasses in one shot too and I’m not having a magnesium problem so I know these isn’t too much of that.These plants have never seen anything out of a bottle yet.I noticed a ton of calmag posts being used as a panacea for everything but I can’t use it in my soil it will throw my shit off.Plant is a clone going on three months old potted in a normal pot.Lights are red and blue wallyworld strip lights.

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It’s also in a side compartment in my tent and it gets squashed against the tent flap even with the vent flap open

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No repotting in last two months.This was the one I had a spider mite problem haven’t had a bug on it since.Been almost two weeks since a bug been on this plant.It’s pretty healthy still.I took cuts off it a week ago and everything grew back almost

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Clone would explain the randomness she’s showing, one in the back almost looks like it’s starting to get a touch of nitrogen toxicity and burnt tips but just that one leaf?..

Calmag is pretty cool but not for the the calormag it’s the humic acid, Which is basically meth for plants and a great soil homogenizer as well, it will increase uptake levels of the plant(water and nutes) and let the soil retain more moisture while also increasing microbial activity. This along with silica with fulvic acids increase cell wall thickness making the plants even more resilient to everything while increase stem size/dexterity, trichome production etc

She’s health otherwise so I’d say you’re right. clones are like 60-70% as tough as a seed grown plant and you should almost always expect some issue, especially if I’m growing them cause I knock a plant off some tall object at least once a week haha

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I like the way you think sir.Other than maybe a heat issue which I’m starting to figure out the bigger the plants get in the side compartment the hotter it gets in there I was thinking the same thing.Going to or another Xbox one fan in there see if that helps

Getting more yellow on this one back one.Haven’t watered it in two days.Can dirt gnat larvae really cause this?I spotted one or two back again flying around today