Sorry for the abuse mom

Two ‘mother plants’ with a clone from one in the background.
These two were planted last October and exiled to the raised beds back in April in 1/2 gallon fabric pots and have been flowering ever since.
These ‘sisters’ have received no love, impressed they have been able to survive the sketchy watering they were provided…entirely my fault.
Almost tempted to ‘save’ them, just to see If I could, but that would involve bring them back inside under the lights and there are creatures of untold variety infesting these dirty girls, think ‘science project’.
Despite the poor treatment they are greasy & stinky when rubbed.

A Pine Apple flower cluster in happier circumstances…


Mr. Grotebag-Is this the Norcal pineapple cut? or perhaps seed cross from Bodhi Seeds?

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Freebie from last year, Pine Apple = ‘Congo Kashmir X Lavender Lemonaid’.