Sorry Vegans

I bought a cow a few years ago to butcher. We got to be great friends and she was always happy, running around and playing with the goats.

Killing her felt like murder and I’ve butchered a LOT of livestock in my life. It still feels like murder.

Most animals, even dumb farm animals are more aware, and smarter, than most people give them credit for.


My brain read this as


LoL that’s true too, at least from my experience. :crazy_face::rofl::rofl:


I have 30 chickens
7 gooses
6 ducks
6 turkeys

Haven’t ate anything but eggs lol.
They are all pets but I respect anyone
Who does eat theirs.
Sucks but we have to eat, what sucks big time
It cooperate farming and how they do it.

Your cow lived, had fun, wasn’t locked in crappy conditions etc.
Don’t feel bad, I know how you feel.
Maybe next time buy one already slaughtered.
As a prepper I decided I would raise protein.
Eggs are the extent , we did eat 2 gooses
Several years ago but now the bastards
Have grown on me and I can’t do it either
Someone wanted to buy my birds, made the mistake of asking lol
Then made the mistake of saying he wanted meat birds.
I’m like, No bye.


I’ve raised and butchered a lot of chickens and turkeys. I’ve killed a lot of goats too, and that didn’t bother me. I shouldn’t have made a pet out of this cow. :rofl:


60 million still isn’t close to the number of animals slaughtered for 8 billion people.

A quick google search says an estimated 70 billion chickens are killed each year, not including the chickens for the egg industry. Every male in the egg industry is killed after it hatches, and isn’t even offered a respectable life, it’s just trash.

That’s only chickens as well.


Down with chickens! What did they ever do for us?

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They shattered our fragile male egos they did!


My hair is not nearly as cool looking as a roosters head.

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Image credit: Karl Tate


Big Bird really went downhill after the end of his child acting creer.

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There are some amazing chicken breeds. I think some can be 3 feet tall!!

Yes! Anyone who might not have taken acid and communicated with plants themselves, or who hasn’t read the postulatuons made since the mid-1800’s nor read any of the previous reports, studies not validated observations concluding such should find this interesting.

I was a vegetarian for many years when I was a young hippie :joy: I got over it when I ate a salad while tripping and experienced the horror of the plants literally showing me their pain while forgiving me as they showed me visually in my imaginations how everyrhing in the universe exists by consuming other things :exploding_head::cold_sweat: It became hard to eat anything for a while after that.:no_mouth:

Now I know that 90% of the living animals on this planet are farmed for food so the small number of rodents that don’t run from the ground-shaking machinery and subsequently get chewed up in the tractors are an insignificant number WRT the sheer number we farm for humanities needs, but I do still have an extreme reverence for the plants and every living thing… sounds weird, but I’m a bonafide weird kind guy :sweat_smile:

Its amazing this thing we call life. It really is.


But are you more vegan than vegan?

:joy: :raised_hands: :metal:

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I’m not actually vegan. I eat things other than potato chips.


Yes, that 60 million was just wild birds. If you also include every bug/spider/pest etc that PESTicide (there’s a clue in the name) kills it would be way way more than the number of animals directly killed for human consumption. So where do we draw the line? Do we count each sentient life, are all lives equal? Or do we only count the cute fluffy ones that we can pet.


It’s thermodynamically more efficient to eat things directly than to feed them to others before you eat them.

If you like paying taxes you can pay mine.

I have 45 chickens I’m going to slaughter in like 3 weeks. They will be delicious.


If we are allowed to make fun of vegans I get to make fun of those of you who are fat and out of shape. lol