Sorry Vegans

There is a nice dessert made from chocolate and pig blood in the south of Italy. Torta di Sanguinaccio. It’s pretty good. They don’t waste any of the animal that can be used in Calabria. I like that philosophy. Respect the animals and use all you can, but don’t forget if it had the chance it would eat you.


Veganism is healthier when done right, it’s a matter of fiber, antioxidants, and all those other phytochemicals. If you don’t want to be healthiest why do you want to live?

The environmental impact of growing all the animal murdering feedstocks with combines (animals have to eat too remember) and then cull them over bird flu or covid, etc., when you could just eat the feedstocks yourself is silly to me. And yes, humans can eat the same soy, corn, oats, etc. we feed animals. Look it up.

I understand veganism isn’t for everyone, but neither is male frailty. You meatheads are as scared as little girls you aren’t the biggest and baddest too often yourselves.


He’s a poet and we didn’t even know it.
Male frailty?

Sounds like tranny veginisim.


Somewhat amusing that this thread was created to make fun of vegans, and a good deal of it is people talking about how terrible vegans are and how they’re always telling other people how to live their lives.

Like it’s so hard to mind your own business and let other people do what they will.

Forums will always have their meatheads.


Why you so upset yourself then? Small jerky?

I haven’t eaten meat today and feel frail.


From what I understand about raising animals. There are sustainable ways of feeding them and then non sustainable ways. The animals that graze on land that isn’t practical to be farmed like dry desert and grassland is actually not causing as much damage as grain fed animals. Like in Texas they have millions of cattle because that’s the only way to produce food in that area.


I think culling birds over the flu is dumb, personally. Sure if a bird is obviously sick you’d want to cull. But anyone who knows how to cook chicken isn’t going to catch a virus from it.

Most of the soy, corn and oats available nowadays contains a lot of garbage that’s bad for your health. Never mind that it’s GMO. That garbage goes into whatever eats it. Making humans sick, whether they eat the meat or the vegetables.

Whether a vegan diet is better for you or not, hasn’t been proven. I’m a virtual carnivore and am in the best health of my life.

Definitely a fun argument to have… it’s a luxury that only the ultimate apex predators get, choosing to try and be moral about specifically what other forms of life we destroy to consume and ensure our own survival. :stuck_out_tongue: If other humans hadn’t engaged in long campaigns of virtual genocide against other species that threatened ours for hundreds of thousands of years before us, we’d never have time for all this because we’d be too busy fighting for our lives.


They cull birds to slow the spread of avian flu.

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In some cases it’s also about greenhouse gases and how we’re all effing ourselves over to suit our desires.

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This is very much true, though one does have to wonder what percentage of beef on people’s dinner tables comes from sustainable sources and what percentage comes from non-sustainable industrial beef production. Of course, the same thing goes for almonds, and all sorts of other non-animal foods.

That might have made sense prior to refrigeration and easy transportation, but I’m not sure that makes sense now (though again, the same goes for the dry areas of California that we’ve turned into America’s foodbasket).


Not so fun when we’re circling the drain of politics, though. I’m not even reading the article, figure taking everything they say with a grain of salt makes sense.

In 2011, Breakthrough published the first issue of the Breakthrough Journal , which aims to “modernize political thought for the 21st century”.[47] The New Republic called Breakthrough Journal “among the most complete efforts to provide a fresh answer to” the question of how to modernize liberal thought,[48] and the National Review called it “the most promising effort at self-criticism by our liberal cousins in a long time”.[49]

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You wouldn’t have to work hard to find a more palatable neutral source that talks about similar issues.

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This is a fun and exciting logical fallacy.

Show us where the cheeseburger hurt you.


It’s gotta be the buns right?


We can tell!

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I’m not sure how the world stayed in the ice age it’s coming out of for so long, since there were a lot more buffalo on this continent then than there are cows now. And as far as a moral pronouncement by an apex predator - this apex predator is far less bloodthirsty and far more discriminate in killing than the other predators.

Though there is an element of slavery and imposed fate in modern agriculture that I’m not fully comfortable with. But until I have my own hunting preserve, I’ll have to eat what I can get. :cut_of_meat::meat_on_bone::poultry_leg::bacon:


I’m not making any assumptions.

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I’m sure I wouldn’t, but it would be even less fun. :stuck_out_tongue: Pretty sure I’d be causing more climate change by expending the energy to conduct such a search, too… I’ll do my part to save the environment by not wasting the energy, and instead focus on destroying the environment by playing video games for a while. Thanks for not dragging us into politics, which is of course explicitly against the forum rules!