Special Black Friday 🍭 Sweet Deals

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greatlakesgenetics #BadDawgGenetics #BadDawgFreebies


I will be nice when you accept CC’s for payment. Many other seed companies are and similarly priced, why not GLG?

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I won’t ask for an explanation/justification, personally, but was about to spend a bunch of money unnecessarily until learning this. Seems like a basic requirement these days; being able to have a little more security/recourse than postal insurance & online reputation trashing. :man_shrugging:



I have made 2 orders from a godforsaken place and both came through with amazing stealth and super generous freebies which i wasn’t even qualified for

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For what’s it’s worth, i’ve purchased from glg and had nothing but great experiences.

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Sorry, had to! :joy:

Thanks for the tip.


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