Spiders....just spiders not mites

I have been allowing them to grow in my grow space as they will likely keep all other pests away. Has anyone had experience with arachnids as hitchhikers


I have 2 living around the ground by my dwc…one on each side. Unfortunately for them, death will be slow, with 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark and no food…lol.


I saw a huge one in my veg RDWC that’s not in use now. He can stay for now. Looked like an orbweaver of some sort.

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Had one get stuck in my clean dab rig. Was a PITA to get it out.


Always good t have them around. Don’t know the species, but when I keep these little brown ones around in my basement, my ant problems disappear - hired!


I’ve allowed spiders in my rooms before but nothing as big as what that one looks like. Only small spiders are gunna want to eat tiny bugs IMO but can’t say they don’t help deter pests settling.


I feel your pain. I’ve had a house fly get stuck in the inside part of a recycler twice over one summer. Something must have attracted them to it. Was using it for a vape. Took 20-30 mins of shaking to get the fucker out and a long soak in iso before I’d dare put my lips on it again :disappointed_relieved:

I have plenty of spiders outside the grow tent but not inside. I don’t think they’d be able to make much of a dent in a pest population. Wonder if they’d know where to step on a bud to not stick to it :stuck_out_tongue:


Found the pic, took a bit of searching.


She said "I don’t like spiders and snakes… and that ain’t what it takes to love me… " :hugging:

(song by Jim Stafford)


spiders don’t get big unless they have been eating other bugs. And if they get big, they make a bunch of babies. Its to bad they don’t eat spider mites…


Jesus man, looks like a black widow shiver

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Nah, just a common spider, if it was a black widow, I would have taken a picture of the hour glass then thrown the rig away. :joy: :joy: :joy:


Yep spiders are bros and can hang around any time. This song sums it up nicely lol


couldn’t find out , What kind of spider
there was mites 4 week’s ago, sprayed with sierra sns 209. they comed back? Or it’s not a mites?

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Been having problems with ants in my grow . Not really fucking with anything just drinking the water i imagine . Annoying more than anything . Well I have false widows that moved in and I guess they love ants. I read this after I vacuumed up all the fuckers .

Crazy how nature works

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I read once that no matter where you are, you are never more than 3-feet away from one……. Seems legit….

I’m not sure if you were aware of this, but ants will farm aphids for food. They’ll use a cannabis plant and secrete a substance that attracts aphids. So they basically tend to them and make sure they’re reproducing and providing eggs and larvae.

I use to wonder about them until I read this somewhere. So, if you see a steady stream of them going on and off, it could be that. A good preventative spray should end it.

I was never really attracted to spiders until I moved here and started growing inside and out. Once I learned about the common ones here, and how good they are as predators, I started paying more attention to the lil buggers. The most common one for me is the Colorado Jumping Spider. They are so cool and will keep a plant pretty clean. Plus, they’re a hoot to watch in action.

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Nice but your should be okay but if there is no food at all than it’s most likely waiting to plant his her nest and probably lay baby’s in the tent with your plants and that is a issue once they hatch since they are so small

I had tons of them balls between the tent and the wall . No aphids here but I swear the ants are feeding on what the roots give out . Time to shut her down for the summer anyway . Been through thrips and aphids those are the easy pests .

Nature made us.
How’s that for crazy?
The whole universe is a bit insane really.

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