Weird web on bud

I was taking random trichome shots and ran into this, I don’t know what bud I took the shot of.

Any ideas, checked for pests but don’t see any or any remains.

I’m about a week or two from harvest.



I’d scan the back of the fans a little closer…

Looks like creepy crawlies.


Hope it’s not the same but in my case they were spider mites … :disappointed:


I thought so too, but most of my fans have been cut off. I checked the underside of all the sites I took shots of but didn’t see any webbing or anything.

holy fuck dude!!! Look at them crawling around.

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Well, sadly-

I’m thinking there’s critters around your grow somewhere…


If they are there, they are hiding really well, I’ve been going up and down with a scope for an hour, no signs other than that one web, which I can’t find.

Idk if I should go ape shit with the rubbing alcohol and start spraying everything in the tent down.

I just went cola to cola and shook it out near a white peice of paper, only thing I got was busted trichome heads on the paper.

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It can be hair or lint, do you have any pets that may be dropping hair? My black labradors sometimes add a strand or 2 to my flowers.

I wouldn’t panic just yet

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2 cats, 1 dog and a wife who sheds.

I noticed some fabric or hair on my scope too from the stickiness of the buds.



Tell me about it haha

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guess I need to pass it though some alcohol

@Syn I had something really similar last run one bud on one plant, almost freaked, looked all over could not find any critters or varmints . Had a month yet to go, overcrowded tent, and nothing…

I thought maybe it was from damaging the trikes by touching and the fans. but still dont know

Jelly Trikes!

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Could you have touched the trichomes with your camera? Sometimes they stick and stretch like that when pulling camera away. Just a thought.


At first that’s what I thought it was, a busted jelly trichome. Spider Mites came up second, but I can’t find any traces, no spots, knocking buds with white paper, nothing.


could it be mold/fungus? i remember,seeing similar webbing inside buds i grew some yrs ago…it turned out to be fungus or mold inside the buds

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I got a week left, let’s hope what ever it is doesn’t get out of control.


better you find that bud…just in case :wink:

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I spent the better half of my morning trying to find it. But alas, nothing.

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I’m guessing that the trichomes touched, doesn’t sound like spider-mites.

I cut off half of that clear ‘nose cone’ on my camera 'cause I was always burying it in a flower, now I think I have to clean the optics 'cause the pics are crap… :laughing:

@George your video still has me scratching… yuck!! :nauseated_face:
