Spillz907 grow diary 2024

We’ll see how it goes! The germination process has started and some of my shit hasn’t even shipped yet, including the tent :partying_face:

It’s all ordered though!


You can put them outside until you get it all set up.

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Yeah I figure I can handle a few seedlings for a bit with a small light… I can even put them in the window sill we are getting 24 hour light here right now…

or outside if it’s sunny for sure good idea


Seeds aren’t popping… added a few more… purple berry kush, slurricane, and c99xromberry

Changed my germination setup a little


I know these are boring posts but I like tracking everything to look back on it all:

Jimmy rigged seedling setup solar power + CFL bulb until light and tents get here from Amazon: Going to use some local seed starter sold by a composting company and transfer to ~3 gallons in FFOF.

Probably run between 3 and 6 plants based on what pops, males, etc.
Still waiting on seeds- Going on day 6- on top of the fridge in a Tupperware/paper towels roughly ~82 degrees.



Anyone have any tips on germinating older seeds? Going into day 7 and no tap roots

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Scuffing tends to help, as well as doing fulvic/ humic acid solution to soak the seeds in for a short period. Always could look into getting a seed cracker too.


Like the water isn’t getting in there?

They look thoroughly soaked and sink to the bottom at this point… wonder if they are just bad.

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Correct yes, after being dormant for so long they tend to need a little help busting through the shell the acids help break down the outer coating. I have seen great success with seed crackers as well on seeds 15+ years old, hard to find a good one at a reasonable price though

I doubt it seeds go through some pretty harsh conditions, could always try a cold snap in the fridge/ freezer to simulate seasonal changes, the last part for seeds not yet wet

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I have used tweezers before to crack stubborn shells open :joy:


Oh wow you guys actually crack the shell slightly as to not disturb the interior and that jump starts the process then. Cool.

I guess that couldn’t hurt after a week of straight soaking

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Likely wouldn’t hert, could split up what hasn’t popped and try different approaches, and yes I’ve cracked and removed the baby from the shell an insert into the media even, main thing if going to try that route is cleanliness helps alot, sanitize hands tools etc

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Awesome thank you I will try this.

I assume you soak first and then try this if they don’t pop normally?

I think maybe nail clippers could do this very gently, squeezed perpendicular to the seam of the shell.

Edit: tweezers worked fine, slight crack at the seams

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I just move them to the graveyard after a week or so and if they sprout they sprout.

:seedling: did try cracking them slightly this time though… probably just duds/too old.

Nothing yet… lights got here today. :face_with_monocle:


God damn I’m just gonna put these things in the soil and in the sun…I got nothing popping… even went to a local shop and bought six pack of feminized for $40 … nothing.

Holding up the show 🤷

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Shit man that’s unfortunate, shoot me a pm and I can shoot ya some gg4 seeds if ya like they are fresh, 3 months old apx make strong healthy seedlings.


P.m. sent thank you man

Does anyone here find that putting them in the soil and under the light can help jump start them?

I’m sort of at a loss here… probably 6 of the seeds I’ve tried to germ have been from bags inside of the last year… and three of them I just paid a premium for.

Probably a total of ~20 seeds coming up on the 2 week mark today.

They are absolutely soaked.

I’m still assuming the ones I paid for need a couple more days or something but geez … used to throwing those things in the paper towel and seeing a taproot in 2-3 days…

They are either dead or dormant and need something to wake them up… I’ll try the cold snap fridge technique going forward.


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