What’s my problem with this yellowing

About two week old from seed. Planted in cocoloco under a 600w photontek set at 30% 28in off canopy netting me around 350ppfd. Just being fed city tap water that I’ve ph from 7.2 to 6.7.

The tips of my leaves keep yellowing… any ideas what I can try?


Could it be wind burn? If you have a fan fairly close it may be causing the brown spots.


One thing I’d do is adjust PH to 6.5. 6.7-7.2 is a little high for coco loco.

Are you feeding them yet? Two weeks out from pop with coco loco they shouldn’t really need anything yet, but will soon.


No oscillating fans on yet.

And of course I refed with 6.7 today. I’ll adjust to 6.5. I did a 300ppm mix of megacrop in 3g of the water.

It called for 4g per gallon for veg so I gave it 1.5g per gallon on these… that was two waterings ago and I quit doing it after, maybe the way to premature? Will this clear up or should I pop some fresh seeds incase?

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Also someone mentioned I’ll need a product called Calmag? What is that and do you have a link to it? Thanks

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It’s not a calmag problem. It’s only on your oldest leafs which suggest an old trauma, just showing or it might be some kind of lock out. I’ve get similar problems in the past and it was from me being too handsy with the plant when I up potting them, thus damaging some of the roots.

Your new growth looks good and I believe that you should chill for a while and see.

Pz :v:t2:


Agreed with @LonelyOC. You don’t need calmag ATM. Coco Loco is also buffered with dolomite lime out of the bag.

Good call on the 1/2 strength nutrients. I’d sit tight and keep your routine. No need to abandon ship. Let them build root mass before ramping up the nutrients anymore.

Make sure you are not overwatering too. Wet feet or stressed or unhealthy roots usually manifest symptoms as unhealthy leaves.


And never let them sit in runoff… it’s one of the quickest ways to burn your tips up.


Yeah in coco, the medium holds the perfect amount of water so if you let the plant sit in runoff, the medium will no longer hold the perfect amount of water. Which leads to strange the roots from oxygen.

Pz :v:t2:


Necrosis on perimeter is not often something serious at this stage of development, can be a nutes burn/disorder or a problem of transpiration (linked with nutes or not).

But when it’s close to the central vein it’s another deal. It have to be watched closely. Good new it’s a “dry necrosis” and young leafs appear healthy and motivated.

Don’t turn mad on PH, your initial water is close to neutral (pretty good). Regulate when your drain is on highs only, don’t test each day if any ^^


I just planted them yesterday burn was already there. I’ll wait out few days and pray

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Roots were in runoff in the gray prob before replant. Now they’re on risers so no chance of runoff


I was going to say it looks like early calcium deficiency. If You can use a different water source I recommend it. It’s nice to flush with rain water at least once a week If you can’t use it all the time


Regulate when drain is on highs only? You lost me. Each time I water I fill up 3g sink and use ph down to 6.8-7 then water

No other water source

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May be worth getting a reverse osmosis machine. No access to any other water? Pond? Creek?

I’ve to take the habit to be short ^^

Testing the drain is testing (with a neutral PH) the necessity or not to get back the range of the PH on lower levels. Regulating PH is regulating the range of a drift, the drift is given by your drain.

Nope stuck w what I have for water. Why do you think it’s so bad?

Still confused me here sorry I’m not super good at this stuff. Drain like runoff water?

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