Help me figure this out, is it a deficiency?

Day #30 veg
FFOF + HF Soil
Chem D x Purple Punch
Fc4800 light - PPFD: 375
Light was 14" from canopy I moved it up just incase.
Tap water, comes out at 8 or 9ph. So I have to add 20 droplets of ph down to get into the 6-7 range.
Just top dressed 2 days ago, to prepare for flip.

Ok so just noticed this in the past 3 days. I saw a couple yellow tips & then this…

Wider shot



I would check water before and after runoff ph and ec. See if ph may be locking something out.


I wouldn’t worry about it. Look fine to me.


That seems to be an excessive amount of drops of ph down.

My tap is 7.9ish. I give 8 drops ph down from pipette to reach 6.5 per gallon.

I’m new to Fox Farm ocean forest, only using it because I have to with a single plant right now. I’m experiencing ph issues also. Iv read where it’s common for this medium. I’d follow the advice given to check runoff.


The plants look fine: The wrinkled leaves look like maybe have your light levels are a bit too high, or maybe you are feeding them too strong of a nutrient solution for their current growth stage, to me. The small brown spot, although it is surrounded by a slight yellow discoloration, seems fine too… as long as it doesn’t spread it should be okay; you can look under that brown spot to make sure there isn’t a bug biting it, but if it is just one spot I would just ignore it… the plants look healthy otherwise. I would try lowering the light level, or backing off the EC of the waterings, and then watch a couple days to see how they respond.


Ahhh i think my tap water is trash honestly. If there was a cheap easy way to get good water for these plants I’d do it. Any suggestions there, I can’t afford an RO system.

I also need a damn PH meter, my color drop kit isn’t giving me an exact ph thats for sure.


Every company has different strength ph down and up. Not all are created equal.


That depends have you done a water test? Mine comes out at 9.0ph and 0.3ec. After aerating the water It goes down to 7.2 had jr Peter’s test it and they said everything was in check for their 321 line and didn’t need tap nutrients. Its worth sending a sample off for under 50$.


In case of having something, those clawing tips and lush dark green colour make me think about a Nitrogen excess … hum|nullxnull


Although the lowers are a bit dark, I only saw one leaflet of a single leaf that was clawing, and it is older growth


That never dawned on me… I’ll go back to reading. :wink:


Yeah it depends on what they use for down. And then what concentrations they use.


I see some more … :wink:

1 2 4


The slight burnt tips is leaf tip burn from slightly too hot a feed

The clawing of tips is a build up of excess nutes ppm in pot over time

The leather look in leafs is slight over watering

All these things are caused from domino effect starting from to high

This will also cause ph probs in time leading to other effects showing

feed some bloom low in n as I’m sure with that dark green p and k is probably lacking slightly too

So get good wet dry cycle going , lower watering volume , lower ec by 100ppm and feed with bloom / flowering type feed

All these things are just slight complaints from plant at the moment , you caught it early befor it could develop into something worse over time , good catch

: )


Ocean forest is known to be hot
That looks like nitrogen toxicity
I would use the happy frog only

Now that said if you layer the soil
Example 5 gallons bag
Ocean forest at the bottom 1/3 of the bag and mix some of the happy frog and ocean forest the next 1/3 rd of the bag and top 1/3 happy frog it’s like using a super soil mix and as the plant gets into flowering it’s roots reach the ocean forest is the bloom mix
Add extra perlite to help drainage

If you feed feed lite low ppms

Ph keep between 6 to 6.2 I find the happy spot

@ifish is correct the bloom feed is lower in N and will help


Agree ^^^^, didn’t noticed this one:

that blotch with some yellowing reminds me of Potassium deficiency, could be starting to be blocked because of too much Nitrogen … hum|nullxnull



Lot to consider, I Bookmarked this post, thanks for taking the time to list all that @ifish

I will water less & wait longer. They start wilting before the pot lightens up, so they trick me I guess.

So I only top dress organic dry ammendments, i just did 2 days ago, so I wont feed it anything again for 2 weeks minimum. As for the EC & PPM… I don’t have a way to measure either. What’s a workaround for that as I have limited resources right now.

Any cheap suggestions for getting a lower ppm water outside of an expensive RO system.

As for bloom nutes, I do have this water soluble organic stuff I could add into waterings…

And lastly on PH… I planned on spending $60 on some Recharge, should it instead goto a PH meter?

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Get the PH in a proper range, or anything els you do or don’t do will be pointless. You will be chasing symptoms forever…

At a minimum, place your tap water in a bucket for 24hrs to help, better with an air pump.
Definitely make sure you use the same Brand PH down/Up or DIY it… should help.

Back your light off a little too.


I have been letting water sit in the sprayer with top off for 24hrs. And Ok I’ll break down & buy a PH meter… soooo expensive :laughing:

I’ve been using GH ph down, should I switch to lemon juice? @CADMAN

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