Spillz907 grow diary 2024

Thanks for the towel advice. That’s a good one. Not really ready to break out the humidifier tonight yet.

Got two watering cans in there too so we should be getting some humidity increase

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AC is a good bang for the buck. They are affordable, but they listen to cannabis growers, unlike some other cheaper brands. Two of my three tents have AC lights, and I am happy with them, even if they run hotter than other panel lights I’ve used: Ionboard S33 and S24. AC is a good brand for cost.

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I’m probably going to eventually upgrade to a gorilla grow tent or maybe a spider farmer, especially if I run into any sort of height issues but for now it’s a good starting point…

Just make sure you have a vent open. You not only want to exhaust hot/humid air, but want to intake fresh/drier air. That’s why they call your grow room a “lung room”.

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So far, I’m liking the ability to separate the lights, having two 150 W panels in there

Yeah that’s how my 4x2 started, with 2x150W. I like to keep an even canopy and I’m lazy and was too much work every day to get them adjusted with the correct DLI for the stage of growth, so I got a 4x2 light.

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Also have a 4 inch in-line fan standing by if need be

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Good job. Might need some ducting bent into a “S” shape, with some pantyhose on it or some cheap fix once flower begins though.

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You know, I guess my mentality was don’t go too cheap but assume things are going to be upgraded after a grow or two. Kept everything under 1000.

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Oh shit, that’s such a good idea, man. This has been bugging the hell out of me. Panty hose… perfect.

Mounted the HVAC outside to save height space

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Yeah you gotta start somewhere. Looks like you did a decent job. Good on the rubber mats too.

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This weekend, it will be up off the ground on a 2 x 4 platform as well.

Still a work in progress. Thank you for the tips on the VPD!!

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For outtake, just remember that every 90 degree bend reduces airflow by about 30%.

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That number may be higher or lower depending on the expert you ask. I never measured myself.

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That’s why I went with the 6 inch fan. Only have it on 2 out of 10 speed right now. Tried to make the turn his gradual as possible… I’m gonna get wood and stuff under all that so it doesn’t look like crap.

Grab a laser thermometer and take some samples of the leaves across the canopy to see what your leaf temp is. It also varies with growth and different times of the day as fluids and gases are exchanged. But leaf temp is the number used for VPD. The stomata on the leaves open and close to increase or decrease transpiration (and moreso respiration at night) if the conditions aren’t optimal.

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You can always guess too. I mostly use a minus 4 or minus 5 offset (F) from the canopy temperature, which is usually close to the real deal.

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And yes, VPD does matter with lights off, contrary to what a lot of growers say – just not as much. There’s science journal entries on this I can dig up if I’m refuted.

But nothing has to be perfect. You can’t be. A few millimeters in height difference across the canopy can result in a large DLI difference. Oh yeah, that’s another thing you should be monitoring – DLI.

The phone apps must be calibrated and/or used with a diffuser over the photoreceptor, and still are pretty inaccurate compared to real photon measuring devices, so listen to your plants too :slight_smile:


Getting better… right off the bat I’m learning that seedlings/clones are gonna be easier control in a smaller environment.

I’ve got vented plastic domes over three of them so it should be in in decent range now. Lights are much higher than they were. I’m pretty sure the leaves were getting hot/dry due to high intensity.

Thanks for the feedback. I think I’m headed in the right direction

Lung room stats are 68% humidity and 68°F so turned the exhaust fan up to four and increase the heat Mat. Ideas to bring in more humidity from the long room or keeping the temp stable with the mat … plus added wet towels


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Why are the lights high for seedlings? This may introduce stretching with large internodal distances, especially if there is a bit of red in the spectrum.

Side note: blue light is known to increase cell density and thus plays an important role in the structure of plants, and is good for strong vegetative growth.

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