Spillz907 grow diary 2024

Keep it , doing no harm sittin there at the moment


Oh, no way am I throwing it out until it’s completely dead I only have four sprouts to work with right now. I put a dome over it. I bet it’s low humidity.


Still figuring out dim and distance… backed the light way up 24 inches above the sprouts at 50%

Trial and error… and guess could research it too :joy:

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I use a 35 watt led for sprouts and clones

They don’t normally see the bigger lights till I transplant the clones into the Octopots. Low wattage when there young for the win


Good to know, I’ll turn it down to 25% then. I’ve got a little germination/ sprout kit coming with two small LED strips so couple more weeks and I’ll have that set.

Those three are looking OK, maybe a little bit too close, but I backed it off now

Put another 10 or so seeds in the paper towel we’ll see what happens. I just have to accept that it’s gonna take a little while to dial this in right… And I don’t have all my stuff yet so just making do. Little rooting cubes on the way and sone other stuff to treat the seedlings better.


When a little seedling comes up and it leaves are all out of whack and messy so to speak is that a sign of heat damage or is that just a “runt”?

The little girl is still trying to grow, but her leaves look malformed… other 3 look fine.

Not a big deal or anything just trying to learn… it’s the orange sunshine F2 so I’d like to save her if possible

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Mutant , but they can grow out of it , they are usually slower growing until they snap out of it
By then being slightly behind others in size till end but can be great smoke


I’m not liking the look of these. Somethings off.

What do you all use to test your pH levels? AC Infinity has a kit for like $80 or something. Do y’all just use the strips?

My guess is that I had the light too intense on 50% and too close… I left it at 50% because need the heat but lifted way up… been using tap water unknown ph

All I care about right now is saving the plants… Not worried about slowing the grow down if I need to back the light up even more

Here is the stats on my tent right now:


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That VPD is suitable for mid flower, but not for seedlings…it’s crazy high. I think your plants are over-transpiring for their age and may be the main problem. But with plants, you never know really.

I never check my pH. If it’s too low, I’ll just add more dolomite or garden lime for adjusting, or other soil amendments for the other way around.

I don’t even know anything about vpd… I’ll have to look into that.

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I do have the humidifier standing by… I don’t really want to lower the temp so maybe raise the humidity then with that

Most I’ve been reading has been saying high 70s and 60-80% humid for seedlings until they have a few nodes

The temps and humidity seem too low. I aim for 65-70% RH at that age, depending on what temp they like.

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Agreed on temp humidity both being low… raising both should lower the vpd if I’m reading this right

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The important part is the VPD is in range and slowly ramped up with age.

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Of course, this is for optimal plant growth for the average plant. It may still grow, and may still be optimal. Again, plants are weird and some do good under greater variance.

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Of course… I’ve grown on the window sill in the living room in the past :man_shrugging:

But I have the technology and resources here to dial things in, so might as well use it

I have a germination kit with a dome and rooters on the way, but for now just trying to make this work

And this:

I’ll try the towel. I’ve got another light in there I can crank the dim up to 100% on to get some more heat

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To increase humidity, I hang a damp towel in the tent. To decrease it, I open a vent in veg, or connect some ducting to my A/C in flower.

To increase temp, I have a small $20 heater in my tent I turn on and off with a smart powerstrip and an app (I wrote the code for, but can easily use a phone app).

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I’m not really a fan of vendor lock in. I had an AC controller and got rid of it. Still have an old Mars controller somewhere not being used too (from the sponsored fan that broke)

(so no experience with those to know how they function)

Yeah, I had to start somewhere though didn’t really make sense to cross brand everything intentionally

I didn’t go with their lights though

That being said… so far I’m really impressed with the brand