Spillz907 grow diary 2024

You’re all good man. If things don’t turn out i’ll send you a pack of Stardawg Kush F2s (Suge Pure Kush x Stardawg). Just let me know!

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Thanks. Sounds awesome.

I have this orange sunshine f2 by bodhi seeds from about 10 years ago…

Was lucky that she popped… I’m hoping she’ll pull through. Pretty sure she got nailed the first night in the tent and was too young… new growth today though :crossed_fingers:


From blueprint to reality :raised_hands: final setup for the most part. Really happy with the AC Infinity stuff… I would’ve liked the tent a little taller, but hopefully made up for it by mounting the hvac outside. The only thing I’ll probably add for now is a small germination and clone setup but yeah going with this one tent for now.

I’ll update with pics as the plants grow out. Definitely had some germination issues so I might have to clone a little bit but having fun. THANK YOU everyone for all the help getting everything started.

:green_heart: :green_heart:


Great Guard dog :dog:


Any guesses as to what’s going on with the downward leaves? They are dry to the touch like sandpaper … I think it’s under watered but not sure

Temp and humidity are 75%

Dirt was also pretty much bone dry when I got home from my trip so I gave them a heavy watering…

Everything I was reading was saying to give them very minimal water starting out… but I think this mix doesn’t hold water much very long and they were under watered. Hope so anyway

Same thing this morning:
And now the other one is starting to curl downward as well. A little bit confused here i have my environment pretty dialed in maybe I have the light too close at 14 inches 50%. I brought it up about an inch.

The leaves are firmly pointed downward. Can’t bend them up and they are stiff.

Also noticing that thermometer in there is reading about 5 to 7° higher than the sensor from the AC Infinity controller, so maybe I’m dealing with higher temps than I’m realizing.

To me, it seems like too much heat, light burn, or low water, but they’re all fully watered at this point so I’m kind of riding that one off.

I won’t water them for a while in case it’s too much water… But usually the leaves feel saturated to some degree when they’re overwatered and these leaves feel dry and course

@Papalag any thoughts on this? It seems like the plant is reacting to intense light/heat and trying to avoid it by pointing down like this. That’s my guess anyway

They look fairly healthy for the most part, but are obviously reacting to something… we want those leaves spread out to grab all that light!!

On a positive note the sick orange sunshine pulled through I think… as long as it doesn’t damp off in the next couple days… it’s stem got really weak and needed support

Hi brother they may be over watered from the looks of the pic


Let them dry out they should be fine

I have a meter I use to see how wet the plant is
When plant is dry lift it up see how heavy then do the same after you water

The object is to water just enough so they dry out and need water every 3 days
I water till drain off and don’t let it sit in the water I’ll only wick up


Yeah man, I was out of town for a couple days and when I came back, the dirt was bone dry and they were stiff and pointing down. Leaves felt like sandpaper totally dry.

I know the look is similar when they’re overwatered.

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See how they look tomorrow

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The bottom half probably show underwatered and top of plant now overwatered
From one extreme to another

The drying out will have reduced root mass
Then the watering will have caused curling from overwatering ( as less root mass to handle it )

Downward spiral

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I don’t think I’ll be using this germination mix next time. Root riots and germ dome came in the mail yesterday

I also think I’m getting some sort of false reading on the temperature inside of the tent. I have a thermometer sitting in there and it’s showing 79° “in the sun” while the sensor is showing 73°.

Either of those temps shouldn’t be causing this issue though…

99% sure it’s water related

The germ mix I’m using is super fluffy and dries out pretty quick from the top down.

Shade the thermometer see if it changes , not sure if that will effect anything tho with led

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This is why mulch is important. It keeps the moisture in a consistent state, while simultaneously shielding the top portion of the soil from high heat, and releasing that stored heat at night for a more consistent temperature between diurnal shifts.

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All things considered, do you think it would be best to just move them into the big pots now? I don’t think this germination mix is doing them any good. It would also spread out the water currently saturated in the small pots. I know it’s not ideal, but I kind of feel like I fucked up the small pots

@ifish @resimax

The only issue with that would be nutrient overload and potential root issues… but I think that’s already happening - It’s fox farm ocean forest premixed soil.

Maybe the two that are pointing straight down? Or just let them dry out as is…

Now I’m remembering back… Lack of water would make the leaves and branches straight limp and hanging off plant like they were dead… this is definitely not that man,… This must be overwatering. I must be way off and how much water these things need


Yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and repot two of them. I need to get these roots out of that bottom mess

They’ve been poking through for about a week now, so it can’t be THAT early

I have to admit, though I completely skipped over the grow medium factor when I was planning all this out. Intentionally. I just didn’t have the brain capacity to figure all of that out, including the tent, HVAC, environment… Went the easy route and bought the premixed stuff.

Damn, it makes me uncomfortable knowing my plants are sitting in a less than ideal environment. Can’t stop thinking about it lol… I can’t not take this seriously… it’s been a damn while since I’ve felt this passionate about something hobby related. Wow. Feels kind of good.

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I can’t comment on commercial soils with possiblly soluble chelated mineral additives. I use custom organic soils and would be afraid to burn plants as I have before…it’s been years since I used FFOF or the likes. No good input from me unfortunately.

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I’ve got three other thermometers in there that are reading 5° higher than the AC sensor in pretty much the same spot give or take an inch.

I was wondering why it was so hard to get the tent 3° above the lung room… Now I know lol…

Calibrating that should help a little bit

Digital thermometers have an error margin, usually mentioned in the specifications. The way LED panels work also makes a slight change in position have a possibly large difference, with the different wavelengths of light and the reflective loss of the tent in places. Also just airflow and height without light in the equation. If it isn’t a wireless thermometer, wrapping it in foil helps a bit to not absorb extra heat. In my case, I have several thermometers/hygrometers at various locations in my tent, and I take the mean of them all for the overall tent temperature. I also pay close attention to canopy level only, and root zone only.

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