Spindly thin tops

Can anyone help me out and give me an idea of what might cause tops like this to happen the rest of the plants doing good but the tips of the leave on the tops I had before I cropped them started doing this twisty leaf tip thing too.Any suggestions?I appreciate the help.

Possibly heat lights being too close!

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The light is 3 and a half feet away from the plants like 10 inches from the ceiling of the tent. How much farther can I go lol.

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Then I’d say nitrogen I bit high .


How powerful is the light and can it dim? What is the ambient temps in the tent during lights on? Sounds far enough away though.

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Honestly if I just scrapped the retractable support lines and just used two carabiners right to the two top support bars I could squeeze another 7 to eight inches I think but that all she wrote


Temp in the tent is around 77 to 78 highest now was around 83 but it cooled down in these parts and gets around 65 out with lights out temps at around 74 to 75 with two top clip fans blowing the top air down and a floor fan blaring the air on the bottom up and on the plants to make them wiggle and one vivosun charcoal air filter can with duct system running light is dimmable and I put it down to 15 percent I haven’t even ran it past 30 they didn’t like it and I had some leaf bleaching problems early in the grow with the new light.light is one of these guys

Tent is a 4 by 4 3 compartment tent main room is at 4 by 4 ft the side compartments are like maybe two foot wide on a good day.

It has legit Samsung and osram diodes I didn’t think they were that goddamn bright everyone always keeps telling me you can put these down lower to the plants because they are so cool but I tell them bullshit now I know what the hell these things can do real quick like now.Even though they run cool the intensity on these new diodes is kind of tricky to dial the light settings in without burning some shit first then dimming till you get them not being so bitchy.

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I’ve had them fed some nectar of the gods one shot tilled in the soil almost a month and a half ago and I’ve been hitting them with just ph 6.3 water that’s been Through and RO diionizer filter.I don’t think it’s the nitrogen but I’ll have to keep an eye on it.I don’t use salt fertilizer of any kind on this grow


I supercropped them so the tops are down like 8 inches parallel with the other two main colas on the side from the bottoms.If it don’t do that anymore and only starts to do this Oliver Twist bullshit when it gets taller to the light then I think I’m going to have to either try and hike it up 6 more inches or run it dim on 15 percent for a bit.Plants are around a month and a half old.

Do you have a fan constantly blowing on the top of that plant?

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Wish I’m wrong, but they could be broad mites … :sweat:


Yes two hurricane fans

These guys been getting a supplement spray of neem oil every two weeks for a month I had a spider mite problem on one of my moms it’s been nipped in the bud and I sprayed the others just to be sure.I don’t have any mite damage I can see


Have you measured the runoff PH?

Yeah it’s at 6.7 right now

I’m using A TLO soil mix and all of my other stuff digs it no problems.I don’t want to really do runoff it’s kind of a waste in my situation run offs just wash away more nutrients and cause more harm in my opinion but I could be wrong.

I dont see anything else wrong with the plant form the pictures. You dont have a hot spot with good fans and the runoff PH is good. Maybe its just in its genetics.

Turn down your fans a bit I think. Download one of those par meter apps too, they’re not perfectly accurate but they give you a good enough idea of where your light needs to be.