Night Owl Experience with Daz: Concerns and Disheartenment


I’ve been a devoted fan of Night Owl for years and have purchased various packs during that time. However, my respect for Daz has diminished recently due to certain actions, prompting me to share my experience.

Around the middle of last year, the Night Owl community on Reddit began actively removing posts related to creating crosses with genetics obtained from Night Owl’s regular seeds and reversals from seeds. Despite being aware of this, I remained silent, as did my close ally, @Rinsewarrior13.

Before delving further, I want to clarify that Rinse initially chose not to address the issue, but I believe transparency is crucial in addressing such matters.

The real issue arose a few days ago when Rinse was unexpectedly banned without warning. Daz insinuated that Rinse was involved in giveaways and sales, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Rinse is a passionate fan like myself and has been a dedicated grower for hundreds of new growers, assisting numerous individuals in cultivating their own cannabis and seeds.

I also want to highlight that Daz kept toying with Rinse by telling him on Instagram private messages that he knew what he had done and “he had been on the naught list for a while now,” which personally I find a bit childish for a fully grown man.

It’s no secret that Night Owl discourages seed-making, but this goes against the collaborative spirit of the community. I urge everyone to reconsider where they invest their money, as I, for one, will no longer support Daz financially or mention his work, given that much of it isn’t original.

Daz seems to oppose people making crosses, sharing them, and educating others on the process. His recent actions, including low blows and insinuations directed at Rinse, have led me to reconsider my admiration for him. Buyers, be cautious about the individuals you choose to support in this community. I believe the autoflower connoisseurs will appreciate having this information and rethinking who they will support because we want the future to be brighter for new growers whose torch will be carried forward after I’m done growing.


Yesterday felt like I found out Santa didn’t exist. Still bummed out about the whole ordeal.


I think that if you buy seeds, those seeds are yours to do with as you please…

You dont buy a house then call the previous owner and ask if its ok to paint the walls…


I know. I feel really sad about all of this. I feel like I got cheated on. I have solid proof too I can request it if needed to prove I’m not just a crazy person saying random things.


Well he’s only getting like $15 a seed, can’t expect a man to go hungry.

That is sarcastic as fuck, if by chance it came across as a serious statement. What a tool, especially since he released a bunch of regs. What did you expect people to do with them? And for that matter, does he think he is the only person in the world who can reverse a plant?


And I bought some of those Regs and am making a bunch of seeds. I was going to give them away anyway but fuck the man. This was the first and last time I buy Night Owl.

Edit: you know what? I take that back. I’m going to continue to buy thier Regs just to make seeds and give them away.


Wait, wait, wait….I’ve only purchased a couple reg packs. The ones that they put the breeding scheme on to go from photo to full auto like Chemmunity Service, Chem Candy, and Zamaldelica Express. I swear I found out about these in a post from the man himself stating that they were a breeding tool for the community. I really thought that was true, lol. I’ve made seeds with all of them. Whoopsies!


Also, this cracked me up. Love this place.


Yup, hate keepers of genetics are whack. Just don’t resell the seed you make and if you make reproductions make sure to say that is the case and always state where the stock came from that is being used. Preservation is a big part of this hobby and people telling you not to preserve are lost. I ask growers out of respect to make f2 and so forth and if they say not to I respect the wishes but they also lose all respect and won’t bother buying anything from them again. Most breeders are all about the plant, some are only about the money and it’s usually obvious who is who.



THE FIRST THING I DID with the FIRST Night Owl seeds I got was make crosses!



I feel like there should be a specific thread for night owl breeding and seed increases where the seeds are the given away. More than happy to donate the pucks.


Lol, and we can occasionally email Night Owl photos of our successful reproductions, and total numbers of seeds produced to date! :rofl::bear::fu:


Perfect idea.


I was under the same impression, or maybe he didn’t say it explicitly but he did put this nifty little breeding chart on the back on all his reg packs :joy:

And it’s honestly just silly for breeders to get publicly pissy about people breeding with seeds they purchased. If you don’t want people breeding or just f2’ing seeds you made you should probably just take all your toys and go home. It only serves to make the breeder look like a jerk.

And then when they act like jerks the community makes even more seeds. We need a name for this phenomenon :thinking: it’s kinda like the Streisand effect :joy:


We could call it “Getting Daz’d”


1st off: Reddit is trash.
2nd. I played in trash longer than it was healthy for my head.

I found Nightowl in reddit. I remember reading Daz’s words that @Cbizzle mentioned.

Looks like I might f2 some spotless Mind now.



@Cbizzle @SaintAliasKnife its in the description for every one of his auto reg releases! What a putz this guy is, someone’s trying to change their mind and being a baby about it. I got no respect for that.

“This line of regs was developed from my line of Chem 91 x Chemdogging autos that I have been working on for a few years. The F2 generation provided a whole range of flavors that was just too good to ignore! To prevent genetic bottlenecks and to better the available autoflower gene pool I’ve decided to put out a regular auto seeds from a few of my favorite expressions so that they can be worked further or used to create new auto x auto and photo x auto crosses.”

“This line of regs was developed when I mated an exceptional Banana OG dominant F1 from the Banana OG x Wizard’s Apprentice cross, to a Chem dom F1 male from the Chem 91 x Chemdogging line. From there I selected a female with exceptional flavor profile consisting of banana bread/banana runts mixed with a sweet cereal (think Trix), and a banana stem rub male to carry the line forward. These will provide some extremely unique breeding stock that will undoubtedly lead to new flavors in the auto world!


YES, thank you dude! I knew that I read that somewhere and was so impressed that I bought a few packs. I mean, thats everything I was trying to do to begin with yo!


Damn , what do seeds come with end user agreements now . WTF !!! that’s ridiculous. I feel bad I spent good money on a few packs a while ago (20 months) Can auto’s be reversed just fine with STS spray ??


Yeah… if I paid for the beans and they’re not testers or something, I’m not asking any breeder if I can make crosses or repros of their work.

If they don’t want anyone to use their work, they shouldn’t release it. Plain and simple. Soon as a cut or bean is out there, you should expect everyone to use it. Thinking otherwise is just dumb.