Spring 2023 Co-op Box Update thread - closed

If anyone from @TeamOG addresses this and states whether other options are in the works, please tag me

some of us feel one way, others feel another. not much good is going to come from this back and forth, but more info would be nice, if there is any :slight_smile:


Respectfully, I don’t equate my checking account balance with my “financial security”. Seems a little melodramatic. A major PITA if breached, but otherwise, pretty sure life would go on.

And I don’t mean this in a snotty way, but if my whole financial security was tied up in my checking acct, I probably wouldn’t do this either


I think I can do a echeck with my PayPal? It’s a checking account, so it’s got a routing number and account number so I think I can I’ll try it and let y’all know :slight_smile:


I haven’t in probably 10 years.
I keep my credit card locked until I use it. I can buy greendot cards, money orders and mail cash. It’s nothing personal, just the site being used doesn’t really seem to be a priority by the person running it.

Well… that’s something. Doesn’t sound snotty at all. Alexa play fart.wav


Ok, perhaps I used the wrong term.

Let’s rephrase that to secure financials… instead of financial security.


Accept and appreciate the discourse, not trying to be a dick…

My wife burns every piece of junk mail to avoid identity theft, I’m like whatever …


Preliminary response-
this isn’t part of my volunteer responsibilites with the co-op action group, but I think the change in checkout options is a surprise to everyone.

We should all get some clarification soon from the people organizing this effort.

Please keep in mind, the seeds are free so this is a reimbursement not a payment.

It’s a reimbursement for your shipping costs, and a $2 donation per strain to reimburse the seed packing supplies and cost of bulk mailing for the distributors. Any excess funds are donated to overgrow’s server fund.


if some people are dropping out

any opportunity for a canadian to sign up super duper late?

@DougDawson lol

i am bottom of totem poll

dont worry about me

hope everyone figures out theyre contributions


So this is my first box and am i supposed to do “charitable donation to offset shipping cost” Correct? I think so but not for sure if that’s what pays the box could someone please enlighten me :slight_smile: thank you lol

I’m pretty sure but it’s not real clear sorry

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It’s for a donation over and above the shipping cost plus cost per strain.

Many of us toss in extra for costs incurred giving the beans away to those who can’t afford them otherwise. That’s my understanding.


No Canadians are dropping out @Calix but fire me a PM. Some runs have extras so I am sure I can accommodate you in some way bud.


No what I’m asking is, is that the right place to put my money? :slight_smile: PS I’m just making sure it will get to the right place

That is for a salve! You are on the wrong page use the link in the OP

:green_heart: :seedling:


A post was merged into an existing topic: 2023 Canadian Spring Box updates

I know, I’m just showing how the donation appeared on my statement. Perhaps it will calm nerves saying it’s salve than seed :wink:


A post was merged into an existing topic: 2023 Canadian Spring Box updates

I’m probably in the 0.05% of people here that don’t even have a bank account :rofl:


Thank You for that.


Brother, if you don’t need one, cash is still the coin of realm. I only have one establishing credit.


@gcbudz ok so I’m right? That’s where I pay for my box and I can put in some extra too if I choose , k cool thanks