Spring 2023 Co-op Box Update thread - closed

@drgreensleeves @GCBudz
Here is clarification on the reimbursement and donation

and we are all waiting for more information on the change in checkout options


Probably got lost in translation…but can any OG Team member tell me if all personal info used to process donation reimbursements are wiped from the site after its completion…I’ll feel better knowing this is confirmed and so will others I’m sure having to use our accounts and routing numbers.


Sebring is as straight as a arrow he’d give you his shirt off his back . He realizes security is priority I’ve dealt many times with him.


I didn’t read it but there was a link to a privacy policy on Sebring’s site, it might’ve said what their policy is on retaining info…

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OG team are not involved in the co-op. Sebring has set up a site and runs the member page for us for free. He changed payment option due to laws. I am posting what he has stated. I also didn’t know it was changing.

On the other hand we get folks without Credit Cards or paypal here also. I am old so this is something I have been getting used to. I had just got the paypale thing down. Now everybody wants and echeck. :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:




I know it feels weird, TBH I just did the e-check thing and moved on. I can monitor my account online, I’ll keep an eye on it and report it if anything fishy happens.

Fingers crossed the only person draining my account will be me.


Then Sebring is not connected to OG ? I live with an extremely paranoid person who thinks information will get traced. I want to be to say all that info is wiped and no trace, that’s all. Makes my life easier


Sebring is a member and moderator on OG. He has just been taking a break for some personal reasons but has still kept things moving in some ways for members.


Ok, I should rephrase it, is the Sebring site traceable back to OG ? I think it would help to know Sebring’s site is completely independent of OG and no way connected.


I didnt think cheque accounts and cheque books still existed😕


Thank-you @Sebring for donating time to help the community once again. Hope you are well and moving in a positive direction.

Ms Longtooth and I assumed there had been issues with payment providers and the path of least resistance was the e-check option.

We went ahead and took it.

We keep an eye on the checking account pretty closely and are old enough where we remember picking out personal checkbook artwork back in the day. (Dr Seuss and Star Wars for she and I respectively…).

Simply put, we used to use checks extensively and the e-check option doesn’t make us nervous.

There are plenty of ways someone could get that information already.

As far as personal information, if you’ve surfed grow sites, bought grow gear on Amazon, or seeds from anywhere, you’re more than likely already on a list.

No body cares though. They just want to sell you more “weed gear.”

Thanks again @G-paS and @Sebring. Blessings upon you both. Looking forward to the gifts that come in the mail.


Linking your bank account for the payment is not working. I get passed logging in through Plaid, but the order never gets placed afterwards.


Ummm history can REPEAT, let’s never forget the original OG was interlinked to many sites (Heavens Stairway Seedbank, C-Bay, Cannabis World etc) that brought the house of cards down.


“He changed the payment methods due to laws”

What laws might those be?


I don’t know the details but I know sebring has already gone through a littany of services for taking credit card payments, paypal etc, and the companies have banned him as a business selling hemp and cbd products.

I suspect this doesn’t have to do with laws, but rather what banking services are accessible to small busineses in the cannabis and hemp industry.

Most credit card companies and banks still won’t touch it despite advancing legalization. That’s why dispensaries are still cash only.


I do not know. That was the reason he gave. I just know that small businesses in my area have stopped taking them or charge 3-5% more.

I know the reason he had trouble getting the site going was because he added more security for the site

:green_heart: :seedling:


That makes sense. E-Checks don’t cost anything.


OG and DIYGreenlife are 2 separate entities run by 2 different people. There is some connection in the fact that there is an OG seed runs section so if one is on DIYGreenlife they will see mention of OG. But they are completely independent even though Sebring helps OG with the Co-op.


Thanks Doug, knowing that is peace of mind for me at least :facepunch:


The CC vig should always be priced in as it’s inescapable.
What’s probably giving him grief is the new homeland security ebay law where they 1099 you for over $600. I could see that being a problem. Hmmmm, maybe that’s it…there’s no reporting on those payments he has listed now. There’s no reporting on Zelle payments either…I dunno.