Spring 2023 Co-op Box Update thread - closed

That’s what I was told to use too…

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Can you do an E check from venmo? That works if so.


Thank you by your awnser.
Im having trouble with checkout payment method disponible.
Now i understand.

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sorry im canadian we dont have those two options just paypal. just tryna help with options


Somebody can repass my founds to sebring?

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Ok, I have tried to complete the transaction five times on two different computers and it is not working for bank transfer in US. I’ll try again tomorrow.

I will be paying by Echeck for sure

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I am not a huge fan of this payment option. I have done a bit of reading and decided I felt okay paying with the e-check method. I will say however I was required to provide my optional phone number or could not complete the transaction. So I gave them @DougDawson phone number. :innocent: :grin: I am paid in full.


LOL, the things that people know about me…


@HollySun91 , you aren’t signed up for any co-op runs, so you don’t have to pay anything.


I’m glad to hear that, otherwise I’d definitely have to say no and miss out on some great seeds :disappointed_relieved:


I’m hoping that sebring and the distributors can figure out a different solution. I won’t be able to use these options either.


Same here - kinda surprised that there isn’t an anonymous type donation/payment method. Last go-around I was able to buy a prepaid card and voila!


I think Brazilian members send donations directly to their local distributor Vertebrata.
Is that right @Vertebrata?


@HollySun91 doesn’t have a co-op box coming
Yes, @Vertebrata is the LA distributor.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Ahhhh! I didn’t know that. Would it be IRS or homeland?


I respectfully submit the following:

I trust Sebring so that isn’t to be questioned imho. And e-checks are actually more secure than cards as far as in transit online because the information is encrypted. My problem is that I am not only asked to give my name and address but also my account number and routing information on his site on a hard copy.
That information will then be stored on a server. I have no idea who has access to that information. And regardless servers are hacked quite often regardless of the security used. I keep a considerable amount of money in my account and it would be foolish to risk that for any reason.
Plus my card was recently used in transactions that I didn’t make. It turned out to be an employee of someone that worked for the company I purchased from. I did get my money back but was a real PIA doing so.
If a better pay method is found and employed I would be more than happy to pay and receive the strains but until then I will respectfully bow out.


It isn’t DHS, it’s the IRS. Congress changed the law so online payment processors have to report income at a much lower threshold (if I’m remembering correctly they used to report to the IRS once you hit 20k, now it’s 600). I don’t know about Zelle but it applies to Paypal.


Still not legal under federal law, so the CC processors will shut down your account (and poof! there goes the money) if they catch wind of anything.


It is different from a check. Someone else has the checkbook and I have to trust them to keep it secure on an online server. HAHAHA NO. I have never gave access to anyone or anything to my bank account. Too many headaches and sate sponsored hackers out there looking for servers with outdated security or zero day exploits.